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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I buy a xbox360 or PS3?? Please, just facts no fanboy bs.

In all honesty (as a loyal owner and lover of both the 360 & PS3) I say you can't really lose going either way.

Each console has a few fantastic exclusive titles that the other doesn't, the present hardware stability for both systems is fantastic, both are equal in graphics & sound, and are equal in just about every other department as well.

But, with that being said, the two huge differences in my opinion are as follows:

The PS3 has a built in Blu ray player (which originally was the only reason I bought mine, as the 360 only plays standard DVDs, and in my opinion does this VERY poorly... I'd rather use my old year 2000 DVD player, even it does a better job)

And for the XBOX 360, its XBOX LIVE online service, while not free like the PSN, is a FAR better service.  I honestly feel that LIVE is worth every penny I pay for it annually.  More features, easier to use, and definitely more user friendly.  I wouldn't pay for the PSN if it were only a nickle a year. Plus on XBOX Live, just about everyone has a mic, and pretty much all the users actually communicate in Online matches (which is important if you rely on teamwork in FPS games such as COD4)... and a large majority of PSN users do not talk (or do not have headsets) unfortunately.

Therefore, if you want a Blu ray player anyway, and a superior online service with teammates who talk to you isn't really that important to you, then go with the PS3... it's really a great system.

Otherwise, just go with the 360 because XBOX Live is worth it, and the console is cheaper anyway.

Or, do what I did... buy, enjoy, and fall in love with both systems.  They both are really awesome systems with a lot to offer.  You really can't go wrong with either one.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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1- 360 have more games better online not too much technical issues in games like PS3 example: ( Fallou 3 ) and cheap ...... but now i realised that the hardware is really crappy ( my 360 Elite drive died last week and now i play in my friends 360 also i cant fix it in any place .. i bought it one year ago and we didnt have MS hardware support here ... damn u M$ ).

2- PS3 have good exclusives and Blue-ray and for me i bought it for some great exclusives on it like MGS4, Uncharted, LBP & Resistance 1 & 2

Xen said:

selnor said:
Well if your a gamer buy a 360. It's simple.

The 360 has more variety of games in every category that score higher apart from stealth. Also 80% of multiplat games perform better on the 360.

In graphics terms. There is no difference. 360 went ahead with Gears, PS3 came back with GT5P and Uncharted. Then lately 360 will be ahead for at least 2 years unless the PS3 has some game we dont know about in the making, this is thanks to Gears 2 and Alan Wake.

Hackers exclusives = NG and NG2, Ninety Nine nights >> Heavenly Sword and DW, Ninja Gaiden Sigma?

Racers exclusives = Depends. Realism Forza 2 >> GT5P. For graphics GT5P >> F2. But then you have PGR3 and 4 >>>>>Motorstorm 1&2. So how exactly are PGR games better than Motorstorm? also, the PS3 ha Ridge Racer 7, exclusively.

Fighters = VF5 0nline, Dead or Alive 4 >>>> PS3 no exclusives - really? Tekken 5: DR exclusive to PS3 on PSN

RPG's = LO,BD,ToV,TLR,IU,Fable2 >>>>> D3,WKC,VC, but you seem to have forgotten Folklore. TLR is also on PS3.

Sports = even

Stealth = MGS4 >>> Splinter Cell Conviction

3rd Person = Gears Of War 1&2 >>>>> Uncharted, So now we're comparing shooters with adventure games.

Music = Lips >>>>>> Singstar umm.. no idea on this one

Platform = Ratchet, LBP >>>>>> nothing rated for Banjo yet - who cares what they'll rate it? it's still more of a racer than a platformer

Wierd games = Dead Rising, BK >>>>>> Anything wierd on PS3????

Plus I dont believe Blu Ray will ever fully take off. IT will fall somewhere between LD and DVD. - Iron Man broke 1 million blu ray sales just recently. 30% of movies sales in Japan are on BR. I'd say it has taken off already.

The bias is strong with this one.

Also, fix'd.


Firstly NGS is just a last gen game with better graphics.

As I said before average of opinions is on my side with PGR over Motorstorm.

Tekken 5. LOL. I have not included either Live arcade or PSN games. As OP states that Online is not important to him.

I wasnt aware you can buy TLR on PS3 this year. Timed exclusive is EXCLUSIVE RIGHT NOW. Unless you buy the PS3 version the day 360 version is out, I'm right. And sorry add Folklore (like it makes a difference in that category)

3rd person is 3rd person. And I have finished Uncharted. It has way more combat and action than you make out.

LBP Sorry forgot that. And strivtly it's not a proper platformer. Banjo isnt either but thats the genre nowadays.

Ironman really sold 1 million. It's actually done 1 million. Christ. It must be doing well. Also Laser Disc sold 40% in Japan during it's reign. So those figures you pullled mean nothing. Japan always adopt anything like that.




blu-ray has also taken off in Europe. That is one of the reasons the PS3 almost always kicks the 360's can there (well, except for two recent weeks when MS cut the price of the 360 to roughly half of that of the PS3 there; however, the sales pop MS enjoyed from doing so sure didn't last too long as once again the PS3 was selling almost 8,000 more units than the 360 in Others last week).

Furthermore, there has been some talk that the 360 has a blu-ray drive add-on in development which combined with the PS3's blu-ray would only further push blu-ray to becoming the worldwide standard for hd movies.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.


80GB PS3 $399

60GB 360 $299 + $100(Battery pack for controller, cable for battery pack, XBox Live) $399 AND you still aren't getting WiFi, BD capabilities, sixaxis, extra 20GB or more exclusives.

On top that look back in history, PS1, PS2 8-9 year lifecycles.
Original Xbox 4 year life cycles, take that into account and the 360 using DVD as it's medium chances are you going to pay all that and then have the plug pulled prematurely.

PSN: EDguila

PS3 library:  Motorstorm, Assasin's Creed, Orange Box, Uncharted:DF, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance:FOM, Rachet & Clank Future:ToD,

Near future: Folklore, SOCOM Confrontation, BioShock, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2.

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I got them both and the 360 is used to play games while the PS3 is used for mostly movies. The reason why I play games on the 360 is because first they have much more great games and second live is better than PSN and third I like the achievements on the 360.

My favorite games for this gen:

1. Gears of War    2. MGS4    3. Killzone 2   4. Halo 3(Underated by many)      5. Mass Effect

Personally, I own a Playstation 3 but you should get the 360. Online is better, more games and you'll be able to get Gears of War 2. Gears of War 2 is looking to be a game that might surpass halo 3 sales first week. Go with the 360.


I own all systems so no bias here. I personally like my multiplats on 360 because I like the 360 controller better than the Dual Shock 3. Make sure to try both controllers before you buy. Thats all I have to add to this.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

BOTH consoles have the same amount of games
BOTH have same graphics on HD
BOTH in the long run cost the same (If you pay for Live forever it adds up to the PS3)

PS3 has Blu-ray
Xbox 360 has DVD

PS3 = free online
Xbox 360 = Not free online

PS3 = Home
Xbox 360 = XLE (Xbox Live Experience)

PS3 = Playstation Store
Xbox 360 = Xbox Live Marketplace

PS3 = silent
Xbox 360 = Hoover

PS3 Models include: 80GB + 160 GB
Xbox 360 Models include: 256MB + 60GB + 120GB

Hardware Compatibilites:
PS3 = PSP- Able to use as a controller also able to play games via PSP anywhere in the world using the PSP
Xbox 360 = N/A

Popular Technical Faults:
PS3 = N/A
Xbox 360 = RROD (Red Ring of Death)

Console Currency:
PS3 = Money (e.g £s, $,s etc)
Xbox 360 = Microsoft Points

@Selnor pt. 2. Man your earlier post was so uninformed or biased that I have to take the time to point out the errors in the entire thing.

"Well if your a gamer buy a 360. It's simple."

Yeah, two years ago...

"The 360 has more variety of games in every category that score higher apart from stealth. Also 80% of multiplat games perform better on the 360."


According to IGN, the most respected gaming site on the internet;

The Two consoles tie in the following genres:

The PS2 has two action games that have received scores of 10: Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV. The 360 only has one -- Grand Theft Auto IV.

Both the PS3 and 360 tie for the highest rated action adventure game of this gen Dead Space with an 8.7 (8.8 according to the Australian review); They also tie in the action compilation genre (LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga -- 8.0 on both).

The 360 has two Music games that have scores of 9.4 Rock Band and Guitar Hero II while the PS3 only has one that has this score -- Rock Band.

The 360 has the top game in the following genres:

The 360 has the top action rpg game (Fable II a 9.5 according to IGN UK, a 9.2 according to IGN AU, and an 8.8 according to IGN US (which is actually lower than the IGN US score for Valkyria Chronicles 9.1 but Valkyria Chronicles isn't an action rpg, so I'm placing it in the strategy role-playing genre).

The 360 has the two highest rated fighting game with Virtua Fighter 5 Online and Dead or Alive 4 which both score 9.0s. The PS3's highest rated fighting game is Virtua Fighter 5 which scores an 8.8.

The 360 has the highest rated Fighting Action game in Small Arms which scores an 8.2

The 360 has the highest rated puzzle action game between the two consoles with astropop which receives a score of 8.0.

The 360 has the highest rated Western RPG with Fallout 3 which receives a score of 9.6 on the 360 while it receives a slightly lower score on the PS3 with a 9.4.

The 360 has the highest rated Racing Simulation game with Forza Motorsport 2 which received a 9.2 from IGN Australia but only an 8.9 from IGN US. Forza Motorsport 2's score from IGN US is only .4 points higher than IGN US gave the demo version of Sony's Gran Turismo 5, so when Gran Tursimo 5 is completed, one would expect that it would surely score much higher than Forza Motorsport 2 as the demo comes within .4 points of doing so, so one can anticipate that this genre will soon shift into Sony's column.

The 360 has the highest rated shooter of this gen in Bioshock which received a score of 9.7 there is also a version of Bioshock on the PS3 which received a score of score of 9.4 from IGN. The PS3 version of the game is newer than the 360 version and includes a lot of bonus content not available in the 360 version. Bioshock is not the PS3's highest rated shooter that is Resistance 2. Resistance 2 received a score of 9.5 from IGN making it just as good according to the reviewes as some other possibly more famous 360 shooters like Gears of War (which was actually given a lower score by IGN US) and Halo 3.

The 360 has the highest rated Sports game between the two consoles with Skate which was given a 9.3 by IGN AU.

The 360 has the highest rated Virtual Pet genre game with Viva Pinata. IGN AU gave Viva Pinata a 9.0; however, Viva Pinata only received an 8.5 from IGN US. Viva Pinata 2: Trouble in Paradise received an 8.6 from IGN AU and an 8.5 from IGN US. The PS3 doesn't have a Virtual Pet game.  Earlier someone said the two Viva Pinata games = Little Big Planet, but that is just not the case.  Two 8.5s don't equal one 9.5 to 9.7.  If anything they are just more of the same while LBP has original elements.

The 360 has the highest rated Wrestling game. WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 received a score of 8.0 and was not available on the PS3.



The PS3 has the top game in the following genres:

The PS3 has by far the top adventure game of the two systems with Folklore coming in at a 9.0 while the 360's highest rated adventure game is LEGO Indiana Jones which is only an 8.4).

The PS3 has the highest rated card battle game between the two consoles with the Eye of Judgement scoring an 8.2 according to IGN AU and an 8.0 according to IGN US; the 360 doesn't have a game in the Card Battle genre.

The PS3 has the highest rated Flight Action game with Warhawk which scores an 8.8.

Of the two HD consoles, the PS3 has the highest rated Party game with Snakeball which scores an 8.0.

The PS3 has the highest rated platform games of the two hd consoles with Little Big Planet. It scored a 9.2 at IGN AU, 9.5 at IGN US, and a 9.7 at IGN UK.

The PS3 has the highest rated Puzzle game between the two consoles. The PS3 version of Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords receives a 9.3 from IGN while the 360 version only receives a 9.0.

The PS3 has the highest rated JRPG on the two consoles. Eternal Sonata on the PS3 receives an 8.7 from IGN while the 360 version of Eternal Sonata receives an 8.5

The PS3 has the highest rated racing game between the two consoles with Wipeout HD which receives a 9.2 from IGN UK. The 360's highest rated racing game Project Gotham 4 receives a 9.1 from IGN UK but only an 8.1 from IGN US.

The PS3 has by far the highest rated sports action games between the two consoles. Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds and NBA Street Homecourt, an 8.9 and 8.8 respectively, both score much higher than the 360's highest rated game in this category The Bigs which only scored an 8.3.

I am going to give the nod to the PS3 in the strategy genre. The highest rated strategy game on both consoles is Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution which scored an 8.8 on both the PS3 and 360. The second place strategy games on the PS3 and 360 share the same score as well. Pixeljunk Monsters on PS3 and Battlestations Midway on 360 both have scores of 8.5; however, since Pixeljunk Monsters is a PSN game while Battlestations: Midway was a full-priced game at launch, I'm going to have to go with PixelJunk's price being the deciding factor here.

Just as it takes the strategy genre, the PS3 also takes the strategy rpg genre with Valkyria Chronicle. A game that Play Magazine says is proof that the heart of the Dreamcast era still beats in Sega's Japanese Headquarters. IGN AU gave Valkyria Chronicles a 9.1 and IGN US gave it a 9.0. It is by far the best Japanese Strategy Roleplaying game and Japanese Roleplaying game for that matter to be released so far in the US on either the Wii, 360, or PS3 where it makes its home.

The PS3 has by far the best game in the Trivia genre with Buzz! Quiz TV which IGN gives an 8.9. The highest rated game on the 360 in the Trivia genre is Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action which IGN AU gives an 8.0 and IGN US gives a 7.0.


I skipped over the Card, Casino, Educational Puzzle, Fighting Adventure, Flight, Hunting, Music Action, Pinball, Puzzle Compilation, Puzzle Word Games, Racing Action, Simulation, Sports Simulation, genres because no game rated higher than an 8.0 on either console in those genres.

So as one can see, the 360 and PS3 tie for the best games in 3 genres. However, in one of those genres, Action, the PS3 has two games that receive the highest possible score from IGN the most respected gaming site on the internet and the 360 only has one.

The 360 has the top game in 10 genres. However, in a number of those genres, they win simply because the PS3 hasn't released a game yet in those genres and the 360 wins in a number of these genres with sub 8.5 games.

The PS3 had the best game in this console generation in 12 genres. And in the genres that they won, with only a few minor exceptions, they had truely dominating games in those categories and they were most often games that had 9+ scores. The PS3 dominated the platforming, Adventure, Japanese RPG, and strategy RPG categories.

13 categories listed above just didn't have any games in them that were worthy of mentioning.


"In graphics terms. There is no difference. 360 went ahead with Gears, PS3 came back with GT5P and Uncharted. Then lately 360 will be ahead for at least 2 years unless the PS3 has some game we dont know about in the making, this is thanks to Gears 2 and Alan Wake."

There is no way that the 360 will be ahead for two years. It is going to be very lucky if it can be ahead for 3 months. Games like Heavy Rain, Killzone 2, possibly Resistance 2, White Knight Chronicles just for starters are going to have much better graphics than anything we ever see on the 360. And a games like Folklore, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Heavenly Sword in its cinematic portions already do.

Hackers exclusives = NG and NG2, Ninety Nine nights >> Heavenly Sword and DW.

Heavenly Sword and Ninja Gaiden Sigma are far superior to games in this genre on the 360. Play magazine direct descendant of Diehard Gamefan gave Heavenly Sword its Game of the Year Award of 2007, and Sigma even though it had been done before is still superior to the 360 disappointment Ninja Gaiden II.

Racers exclusives = Depends. Realism Forza 2 >> GT5P. For graphics GT5P >> F2. But then you have PGR3 and 4 >>>>>Motorstorm 1&2

Racers are better on the PS3. As shown above the PS3 has the highest rated game in the racing genre in Wipeout HD. Forza 2 in its completed form is only .4 points better than an early demo version of Gran Turismo 5, and as far as comparing Motorstorm to PGR 3 and 4 goes, Motorstorm I received an 8.9 from IGN US while PGR received an 8.8 and Motorstorm II received an 8.3 while PGR 4 received only an 8.1. You have your greater than symbols going in the wrong direction if you know anything about basic math.

"Fighters = VF5 0nline, Dead or Alive 4 >>>> PS3 no exclusives"

Oh well. But considering the fact that the Dead or Alive series is Dead, it can be removed from this genre. As far as the PS3 having no exclusives, the fighting genre really isn't popular enough anymore for that to make much of a difference. And if an upcoming fighter like Tekken 6 sells better on the 360 in the US, sales for the PS3 version in Japan and Others will more than cancel out any advantage that could give the 360.

"RPG's = LO,BD,ToV,TLR,IU,Fable2 >>>>> D3,WKC,VC"

Again you have your signs going in the wrong direction here. Disgaea 3, White Knight Chronicles, and Valkyria Chronicle trump anything in the Japanese rpg genre on the 360. And why did you add Fable II to this list anyway? It's not a JRPG. I guess you were trying to give the 360 games more credibility by doing so. Funny thing though, even with Fable II on your list VC still knocks it out of the park as IGN USA gave Fable II an 88 and Valkyria Chronicles a 90. By far the best jrpg here though is the unreleased White Knight Chronicles. One of Microsoft's biggest failures which is going to cost them heavy is the fact they couldn't get their inferior version of FF XIII on the 360 in Japan.

"Sports = even"

"Stealth = MGS4 >>> Splinter Cell Conviction"

"3rd Person = Gears Of War 1&2 >>>>> Uncharted"

I might give the nod to Gears in the graphics department a little bit more than I used to here, but other than slightly better graphics, Gears really has nothing at all that would allow one to compare it to Uncharted. Uncharted has better characters, a far better story, and much deeper gameplay mechanics which combined make Uncharted a far superior game. Again your arrows are pointing in the wrong direction.

"Music = Lips >>>>>> Singstar"

Yeah, that's like saying Zune >>>>Ipod. In one word nonsensical.

"Platform = Ratchet >>>>>> nothing rated for Banjo yet."

Platform = Little Big Planet, Ratchet, plus the ability to bring back Sly Cooper or Jak and Daxter at any time >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
anything on the 360 in this genre

Wierd games = Dead Rising, BK >>>>>> Anything wierd on PS3????

PixelJunk Monsters, Echocrome,Flower, Flow, The Last Man, Calling All Cars, The Eye of Judgement, Team ICO Project once again reverse the arrows.


"Plus I dont believe Blu Ray will ever fully take off. IT will fall somewhere between LD and DVD."

See my earlier note on blu-ray.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.