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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I buy a xbox360 or PS3?? Please, just facts no fanboy bs.

I think the decision making is very easy. It always boils down to money. If you have lots of money, get both systems, there is enough differences to justify it. If you have little money, then you want to spend as little on the hardware, and the rest on software. For example, looking at crossplatform games only, if you were a fan if FF, GTA4, CoD4, RE, etc, etc, and that were the game(s) you 'had to have', then in order to play that game you would spend $400 for a PS3, and $200 for an Xbox (plus the cost for games for each system). The game(s) will play the same on both systems, and if you decided that you wanted a harddrive, MS is offering a HD upgarade program for $30 (20G HDD + 3 months live) for Arcade users (thus you can copy the ENTIRE game to the hard drive, and the game will run smoother, quieter, and load times will be faster).

In all fairness, both systems have great exclusives, and unless you really have to have a specific exclusive, do not use that as justification. There are just too many good games on both systems that you will not have time to play them.

The other thing is that there are many more games on the Xbox360, and many AAA games from the last 2-3 years that can be had for super cheap (from Mass Effect, to 1st Gears, to Halo3, Oblivion, forza, PGR, R6V, GRAW, Assassin Creed, bioshock, and many others that have scored >85% on metacritic/ that you can get these games for $10-$20 used-->new and never have to buy a 'new game' ever as you will not have time to catch with the newer games. Because Xbox games usually sells more than PS3 (and especially if you live in N America), the used game market is much larger on the Xbox, and thus more competitive, and thus cheaper used games.

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selnor said:
Well if your a gamer buy a 360. It's simple.

The 360 has more variety of games in every category that score higher apart from stealth. Also 80% of multiplat games perform better on the 360.

In graphics terms. There is no difference. 360 went ahead with Gears, PS3 came back with GT5P and Uncharted. Then lately 360 will be ahead for at least 2 years unless the PS3 has some game we dont know about in the making, this is thanks to Gears 2 and Alan Wake.

Hackers exclusives = NG and NG2, Ninety Nine nights >> Heavenly Sword and DW

Racers exclusives = Depends. Realism Forza 2 >> GT5P. For graphics GT5P >> F2. But then you have PGR3 and 4 >>>>>Motorstorm 1&2

Fighters = VF5 0nline, Dead or Alive 4 >>>> PS3 no exclusives

RPG's = LO,BD,ToV,TLR,IU,Fable2 >>>>> D3,WKC,VC

Sports = even

Stealth = MGS4 >>> Splinter Cell Conviction

3rd Person = Gears Of War 1&2 >>>>> Uncharted

Music = Lips >>>>>> Singstar

Platform = Ratchet >>>>>> nothing rated for Banjo yet.

Wierd games = Dead Rising, BK >>>>>> Anything wierd on PS3????

Plus I dont believe Blu Ray will ever fully take off. IT will fall somewhere between LD and DVD.


Killzone 2, R2?

Im sorry guys he said "Please, just facts no fanboy bs"

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selnor said:
Well if your a gamer buy a 360. It's simple.

Well it your a gamer, buy a PS3.  It's simple.  See my original post.  ;)

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

selnor said:


P.S @ SpartanFX. My opinions at least has the average of opinions on my side.

Doesn't matter. Any gamer knows and takes the side that they buy and play with what they want, not because "everyone else is doing it."  The later is faulty reasoning, and you know it.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

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Own both! thats the best move PS360 FTW, or if your getting your first next gen console, get PS3 (FIRST) then 360 since the Arcade is now cheaper then the Wii!

But then again the Arcade model of the 360 has gotton a bad rep, even IGN Bashed the arcade model badly so...

Its your choice dude, just make sure to own both in the end. :P

Squilliam said:
Im sorry guys he said "Please, just facts no fanboy bs"

Hold Alt + F4 to remove all the trolls from the thread.


 Aww, but then everyone on this thread would go Bye Bye. T.T

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Squilliam said:
Im sorry guys he said "Please, just facts no fanboy bs"

Hold Alt + F4 to remove all the trolls from the thread.


Aww, but then everone on this thread would go Bye Bye. T.T



Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Xbox 360, it has better exclusive games and many games that are multiplatform perform better on Xbox 360.

selnor said:
Well if your a gamer buy a 360. It's simple.

The 360 has more variety of games in every category that score higher apart from stealth. Also 80% of multiplat games perform better on the 360.

In graphics terms. There is no difference. 360 went ahead with Gears, PS3 came back with GT5P and Uncharted. Then lately 360 will be ahead for at least 2 years unless the PS3 has some game we dont know about in the making, this is thanks to Gears 2 and Alan Wake.

Hackers exclusives = NG and NG2, Ninety Nine nights >> Heavenly Sword and DW, Ninja Gaiden Sigma?

Racers exclusives = Depends. Realism Forza 2 >> GT5P. For graphics GT5P >> F2. But then you have PGR3 and 4 >>>>>Motorstorm 1&2. So how exactly are PGR games better than Motorstorm? also, the PS3 ha Ridge Racer 7, exclusively.

Fighters = VF5 0nline, Dead or Alive 4 >>>> PS3 no exclusives - really? Tekken 5: DR exclusive to PS3 on PSN

RPG's = LO,BD,ToV,TLR,IU,Fable2 >>>>> D3,WKC,VC, but you seem to have forgotten Folklore. TLR is also on PS3.

Sports = even

Stealth = MGS4 >>> Splinter Cell Conviction

3rd Person = Gears Of War 1&2 >>>>> Uncharted, So now we're comparing shooters with adventure games.

Music = Lips >>>>>> Singstar umm.. no idea on this one

Platform = Ratchet, LBP >>>>>> nothing rated for Banjo yet - who cares what they'll rate it? it's still more of a racer than a platformer

Wierd games = Dead Rising, BK >>>>>> Anything wierd on PS3????

Plus I dont believe Blu Ray will ever fully take off. IT will fall somewhere between LD and DVD. - Iron Man broke 1 million blu ray sales just recently. 30% of movies sales in Japan are on BR. I'd say it has taken off already.

The bias is strong with this one.

Also, fix'd.