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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I buy a xbox360 or PS3?? Please, just facts no fanboy bs.

blackstar said:
both are great
360 is cheaper and have great games but some of them are on pc (halo and gears of war) and some is only on 360, u can search for 360 exclusive games thread here in this site , it's awesome
online gaming = 50$ a year

ps3 is great and the 1st party exclusive are AWESOME, there is a thread for ps3 exclusive games too,,
online gaming = free

I say get a 360 so u can enjoy it more with ur friends




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it's like an actual entertainment system in on beautiful box.

Surf intrnet on your TV.

stream files from your PC/laptop on to your PS3 easily.

play dvd,bluray on your TV(blu ray is breath taking by the way if you own an HD TV)

alot of support for multimedia capabilities.

free online gaming.

very good games like:

uncharted 1 or 2
ratchet and clankc future 1or 2
resistance 1or 2
motorstorm 1or 2
Little big planet
God of war 3
Gran Turismo5
heavy rain
and many more

so if you want an entertainment system in one box PS3 is the way to go




- Graphics are roughly the same, xbox has a slight edge on multiplatformers but ps3 has real nice graphics in some 1st party titles

- Xbox has a better and bigger library of games but this trend is getting smoothed out, with the new incoming games. 360 will still have a slightly better from 3rd parties but Sony has a better first party support and some games many xbox owners would like to play like insomniac and naughty games.

- When you buy a PS3, you can be sure that the future support and long life is guaranteed. PS3 will probably exceed xbox 360 in the middle term. Xbox 360 will also have a longer life than original xbox but its not clear if it will have the same kind of support and life PS3 will have after several years.

- Blu ray is not a big deal NOW, but may be a big deal in like 5 years. But then the players will be much cheaper than today. It doesnt make sense to pay extra money to play bluray movies on ps3, because it depreciates the console's life, and spends too much electricity. Blu ray on PS3 makes sense only because of the extra capacity and "maybe" for rare casual bluray playback, but it is definitely a bad idea to use it as the main blu ray player.

- PS3 is pricey, the only reason I dont buy it now personally is the price level. At $300, I believe PS3 is a better value than xbox 360; but at $400, xbox360 has better value, so I'd go with 360 first and wait for a PS3 for about 1 year or so, meanwhile, the library and support for the ps3 will have grown.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

If you have $399.99 to spend on a console, then you should get a PS3 as it has been getting the best games lately. And it has MGS 4 a game IGN gave a 10 and that is not available on the 360.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Well if your a gamer buy a 360. It's simple.

The 360 has more variety of games in every category that score higher apart from stealth. Also 80% of multiplat games perform better on the 360.

In graphics terms. There is no difference. 360 went ahead with Gears, PS3 came back with GT5P and Uncharted. Then lately 360 will be ahead for at least 2 years unless the PS3 has some game we dont know about in the making, this is thanks to Gears 2 and Alan Wake.

Hackers exclusives = NG and NG2, Ninety Nine nights >> Heavenly Sword and DW

Racers exclusives = Depends. Realism Forza 2 >> GT5P. For graphics GT5P >> F2. But then you have PGR3 and 4 >>>>>Motorstorm 1&2

Fighters = VF5 0nline, Dead or Alive 4 >>>> PS3 no exclusives

RPG's = LO,BD,ToV,TLR,IU,Fable2 >>>>> D3,WKC,VC

Sports = even

Stealth = MGS4 >>> Splinter Cell Conviction

3rd Person = Gears Of War 1&2 >>>>> Uncharted

Music = Lips >>>>>> Singstar

Platform = Ratchet >>>>>> nothing rated for Banjo yet.

Wierd games = Dead Rising, BK >>>>>> Anything wierd on PS3????

Plus I dont believe Blu Ray will ever fully take off. IT will fall somewhere between LD and DVD.

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@ selnor, most of that is just your opinion

Munkeh111 said:
@ selnor, most of that is just your opinion


 I agree. The games exclusives are opinions. But average of opinions is on my side there. As with graphics, well everyone else has voiced thir opinions about that here to. I'm sorry I dont fall under the PS3 fanboy KZ2 is awesome bracket. I am far more impressed by the detail in Gears 2, Alan Wake and even the majority of Far Cry 2(especially the graphics you see throughout the first proper mission). So this whole thread is opinion orientated.

The only facts you can state here are what the system can do. Which is stated on the boxes.

selnor said:
Well if your a gamer buy a 360. It's simple.

The 360 has more variety of games in every category that score higher apart from stealth. Also 80% of multiplat games perform better on the 360.

In graphics terms. There is no difference. 360 went ahead with Gears, PS3 came back with GT5P and Uncharted. Then lately 360 will be ahead for at least 2 years unless the PS3 has some game we dont know about in the making, this is thanks to Gears 2 and Alan Wake.

Hackers exclusives = NG and NG2, Ninety Nine nights >> Heavenly Sword and DW

Racers exclusives = Depends. Realism Forza 2 >> GT5P. For graphics GT5P >> F2. But then you have PGR3 and 4 >>>>>Motorstorm 1&2

Fighters = VF5 0nline, Dead or Alive 4 >>>> PS3 no exclusives

RPG's = LO,BD,ToV,TLR,IU,Fable2 >>>>> D3,WKC,VC

Sports = even

Stealth = MGS4 >>> Splinter Cell Conviction

3rd Person = Gears Of War 1&2 >>>>> Uncharted

Music = Lips >>>>>> Singstar

Platform = Ratchet >>>>>> nothing rated for Banjo yet.

Wierd games = Dead Rising, BK >>>>>> Anything wierd on PS3????

Plus I dont believe Blu Ray will ever fully take off. IT will fall somewhere between LD and DVD.


don't listen to him ,,,he is as biased as it comes ,,,,,,all of what he said is based on his opinion and not facts




SpartanFX said:
selnor said:
Well if your a gamer buy a 360. It's simple.

The 360 has more variety of games in every category that score higher apart from stealth. Also 80% of multiplat games perform better on the 360.

In graphics terms. There is no difference. 360 went ahead with Gears, PS3 came back with GT5P and Uncharted. Then lately 360 will be ahead for at least 2 years unless the PS3 has some game we dont know about in the making, this is thanks to Gears 2 and Alan Wake.

Hackers exclusives = NG and NG2, Ninety Nine nights >> Heavenly Sword and DW

Racers exclusives = Depends. Realism Forza 2 >> GT5P. For graphics GT5P >> F2. But then you have PGR3 and 4 >>>>>Motorstorm 1&2

Fighters = VF5 0nline, Dead or Alive 4 >>>> PS3 no exclusives

RPG's = LO,BD,ToV,TLR,IU,Fable2 >>>>> D3,WKC,VC

Sports = even

Stealth = MGS4 >>> Splinter Cell Conviction

3rd Person = Gears Of War 1&2 >>>>> Uncharted

Music = Lips >>>>>> Singstar

Platform = Ratchet >>>>>> nothing rated for Banjo yet.

Wierd games = Dead Rising, BK >>>>>> Anything wierd on PS3????

Plus I dont believe Blu Ray will ever fully take off. IT will fall somewhere between LD and DVD.


don't listen to him ,,,he is as biased as it comes ,,,,,,all of what he said is based on his opinion and not facts


 LOL. This whole thread is opinions. Mister I promote Sony. As my previous post stated. The only Factual eveidence is on the sides of the box. Anything said here about graphics is OPINION from anyone. Anything said about games is OPINION from anyone. Wait I'll state the facts then.

(clears throat)


Plays DVD's, inergrates fully with Media Center, Can watch Full 1080p HD movies, plays full 1080p games, has HDMI, The controller has 2 analog sticks. It's WHITE, wait or BLACK. The disc tray is chrome. Various size HDD's. Optional install on any game released from launch. Plays selected Xbox back Catalog. And more



All the above except for colour variations, and Optional install is only available on selected games. No BC consoles available anymore.

However surfs the net, Has Blu Ray ( Wait here comes an actual fact, Noone actually knows how far this will be adopted) and does 7.1 surround sound.

Those are facts


P.S @ SpartanFX. My opinions at least has the average of opinions on my side.

ive had a ps3 since almost launch and ive enjoyed it but kinda felt left out at first with all the games coming on xbox 360 but is becoming quiet the same now and feels like ps3 is getting more exclusives. I mean if you like online and you don't mind paying for it go with the 360, gears of war 2 will satisfy you to tears. I feel like getting a 360 just cause of gears lol. But i like my ps3 because ive had it for 2 years now and it hasn't failed me yet as to about 6 of my friends who had a 360 for abt the the same time period and they are on their 3rd or 4th one. Ps3 kinda saves you the trouble of not worrying about failure and paying online to play. And with games as mgs 4, resistance 2, killzone 2 cmin out feb you don't really have to worry about shortages of gaming. You won't feel left out. But if you have friends who own 360's and are not planning on getting a ps3 get a 360. Cuz its way more fun to play with people you know rather than strangers. Also gears 2 is juss dammittt!!! im gna get a 360 soon too but jus worried about failure and also think when home comes out i won't care about xbox live that much.