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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I buy a xbox360 or PS3?? Please, just facts no fanboy bs.

ps3 = win
360 = more cash for M$

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You can't go wrong with either one, although it all depends on your tastes in gaming.

As for the long lists of 360/PS3 games on page 2.

In the fighter department, where they kept naming exclusives... why does EVERYONE seem to forget" Naruto: UNS" for PS3?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Don't forget to consider Socom, Haze, Too Human and Lair! They are all the best exclusives ever.


Squilliam said:
Don't forget to consider Socom, Haze, Too Human and Lair! They are all the best exclusives ever.

The sarcasm is strong with you, but Socom is actually good :)


Get a 360 alot of great games are on it good shooters like halo and gears 2 i also personal like the live arcade more then the psn


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if it's for games, the 360 is the better choice. If it's for multimedia capability, the PS3 offers more choice (such as bluray and web browser). There's also more demos on the 360 and movies to download.

If it is for games the PS3 is the best choice. The 360 had a few good games in the early part of its lifetime but more recent games just haven't followed the same trend.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Squilliam said:

So many assumptions.

One thing I don't get - why does everyone add wireless to the 360 in these comparisons when the wireless accessory doesn't sell all that well?

Anyway my beef with Maxwell is that hes keeping MM476 away from RFOM 2 and that just won't do. If I was on steam I'd so put the beat down on him.



That's in large part because of its ridiculous price.  (accounting for the poor sales).

Buy PS3: quiet, cool, won't break, free online, more often lag-free online gameplay, Blu-Ray, wifi, Home, great great exclusives including, need we say more, the upcoming team ICO game.

I think the mods should lock this thread since it turned into the very thing the op didn't want it to become.

Seriously you fanboys degrade the quality of the website so much I'm surprised ioi doesn't ban you all without a warning.


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Without a doubt, fanboys can make it really hard to decide which console to get. You'll rarely get a person who can tell you the pros and cons of each.

I honestly haven't even bought either yet, simply cause it's been so hard for me to choose - each one has games I like, but the ones that are really making me want a PS3 are MGS4, LBC, Killzone 2 when it comes out, and Resistance 2's 60+ multiplayer.

One minor advantage that the 360 has is some multiplat games are sometimes slightly better on it.

You might also wanna make your choice based on each console's popularity among your friends and around your area.

When it comes to exclusive titles, they're both really starting to become equal.

PSN: Parasitic_Link