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Forums - Sales Discussion - UBISOFT and EA both earned more money on PS3 than X360

Good for the ps3.Ps3 fans should be happy.

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Europe FTW!

Kantor said:
What's Ubisoft been doing on the DS?
As far as I know, they've been releasing long streams of Tom Clancy games on the HD consoles, not to mention Assassin's Creed and Haze.

Oh, you could only imagine.




the ps2 is dead...



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

The EA one is old, from July. I wanna see their 2nd quarter results. The third quarter results will be the telling ones due to the Christmas season and less exclusives.

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EA is losing money, $454 million in the last fiscal year. So I'm not sure why that would be something to brag about.

Bonafide732 said:
the ps2 is dead...


 Oh no, the PS2 is immortal and will consume your soul.  It is unstoppable!

OK ok, before some of you need to change your pants, realize that these figures are of growth revenues.

i.e. If I sold 20 appless this year and 10 last year that would be a 100% INCREASE over last year.

whereas at the same time I sold 50 oranges this year and 40 last year that would be a 25% increase.

So yeah I could say that I had 75% geater increase with apples over oranges this year, but obviously I have sold more and continue to sell more oranges, thus my orange market is stronger.

So no this data does not declare that PS3 > 360.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

DOATS1 said:
revenue is not the same as profit. chances are they had to spend more on the ps3 too.

That may be so, but it's showing them that there is money in the PS3 and to take more time on their PS3 titles. Which is good for PS3 owners, hopefully we will begin to get better multiplatform titles.


FishyJoe said:
EA is losing money, $454 million in the last fiscal year. So I'm not sure why that would be something to brag about.


thats it mainly due harder economy it and they were trying to buy Take 2.... ask spend big money trying to do it.