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Forums - Sales Discussion - UBISOFT and EA both earned more money on PS3 than X360

Since EA is being used as one of the benchmarks for how the revenue shift has happened, it's going to be interesting to see how they report this week. I'll stand by my comments that it's related to "SOFTWARE TITLES" released during the reporting period, and NOT some intrinsic shift in the buying patterns, so that's what I've been trying to point out. In Ubisoft's Q4 for 2007/2008 (Carryover from GRAW), it was 33% - 360, 23% - PS3, and in Q1 2008/2009 (Haaze Haze Haze) it was 21% - PS3, 9% - 360, and this qtr is 20% - Each. So you can't cherry pick the freaking data to support your points, and if anything, one could say..."OMG...PS3 DROPPED FROM 21% to 20%, while 360 rose from 9% to 20%, PS3 IS LOSING IT'S EDGE!" That's stupid of course, but so is the implicit point trying to be made. You have to look at the game titles in a given qtr to determine what trand lines you can determine...period. Gimme some qtrly data for 2-3 qtrs of no exclusive titles and then show me something to prove a point. So if EA reports a massive swing to favor 360 this qtr, can we imply that PS3 is dying? No...that would be stupid, just like the other suggestion implied.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder