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Forums - Sales Discussion - UBISOFT and EA both earned more money on PS3 than X360

A publicly traded company won't find investors unless it can promise to deliver profits at some point in time. If there are no investors, there is no money to hire people. That's the way the market works, whether you like it or not.

Try getting someone to invest in a business saying you would rather hire people than make profits. You won't get a dime.

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concity06 said:
Well atleast PS3 has something going for it. But most of the EA stuff is off of sports games.


this is a good thing

sports games never die

dbot said:
Profit is good. Why is it part of this discussion? The OP was regarding the PS3 bringing in a majority of the Revenue for EA and Ubisoft. Where did they discuss that the profit is less on the PS3?

If anything this report plus the Konami and Namco information should dispell the notion that people buy the PS3 as a Blu-ray player.


Damage control

As for "revenue doesn't matter, only profit" well, without revenue you cannot get profit. Also, if you consider that most of these games are Multiplatform and/or ports, the Dev costs of the PS3 version aren't as high as they would be for a PS3 exclusive version. This will also matter as time goes and on and PS3 Dev costs go down and install base increases.

If anybody should be happy it should be European PS3 owners, this would hopefully lead to more Devs ensuring a EU release for all games and also that the game is released ASAP.

Typical fanboy arguments whenever something good is said about ps3.assume the worst possibility for ps3 through any possible hole.

bluray wins over HD-DVD
fanboys:who cares, digital distribution will be the standard in a year or less anyway

kojima says ps3 is a beast
fanboys: He meant it's too hard to develope for,not that it's a powerful hardware

ps3 brings more revenues to 3rd party than xbox360
fanboys:the ps3's deveploment costs are very high and 360's are as low as they can be ,so if we compare profits 360 is sure to win

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SpartanFX said:
heruamon said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Commando.

What's your problem, why are you acting like you are taking this so personally. This is a FACT not an opinion, EA been said they make more revenue on the PS3 months ago, this is part of the reason that ALL upcoming EA multiplats will be PS3 lead development. You shouldn't take this subject so personally.

ROFLOL...that's pure bunk!  The reason that developers are leading with te PS3 is because it's MORE difficult to program for the PS3, and EVEN MORE difficult to port it over to other platforms, NOT because of sales.  Even the Sony spokesman said so, but i guess you're more informed.  I can assure you that when EA reports for this qtr, the % of sales will not be as favorable to PS3 as last qtr's report.  I'll even go as far as to say neither will Ubisoft's, and it's got nothing to do with undertracking, it's got to do with release sked and revenue reciept.  Fanboys ought ot stay out of financial analysis and stick to deciding who can win between Superman and Hulk..



CGI is right ,,I don't understamd why you have to offend someone when you are provided with facts.(companies financial reports)


so who can win between superman and hulk?casue you would know the best ;)

Superman would destroy the Hulk.  He could just labotamize him with heat vision from space if he wanted to.


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i cant believe people are in here trying to argue that revenue is bad... i hate to say it but thats major damage control



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
Garcian Smith said:
As others have already pointed out: Revenue != profit.


The revenue statistics still irk people plenty well enough. I'm liking that.

Plus, you conflate revenue for 3rd parties with profit for Sony.  Put another way, you strangely feel a need to bring up profit (apparently for Sony, right?) when the thread is about 3rd party revenue.

No, he means the profit for EA.  Since PS3 development is largely excepted as more expensive, needing more manpower and time.


Bonafide732 said:
i cant believe people are in here trying to argue that revenue is bad... i hate to say it but thats major damage control

Not bad, irrelevent without having a profit breakdown.  For all we know PS3's development could of cost more, making the difference in revenue insignificant or maybe even worse for PS3.

Revenue isn't bad... but without a breakdown of cost... it's irrelevant and your unable to make any actual conclusions from it.


Bonafide732 said:
i cant believe people are in here trying to argue that revenue is bad... i hate to say it but thats major damage control



The facts in the OP only tell us that that ps3 is not in a bad situation as many fanboys like to think and that it's doing ok, not that it already won the war againest 360 or anything.

Yet there's a lot of posts about how it wouldn't mean any difference in the ps3's "already sealed" future ,or it's just a stroke of luck that would never happen again,or revenues don't matter only profits(see my above post)


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Bonafide732 said:
i cant believe people are in here trying to argue that revenue is bad... i hate to say it but thats major damage control


People aren't arguing that revenue is bad. It's not good either. You can't assign success or failure in business terms based on revenue alone.