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Forums - Sales Discussion - Bioshock PS3 a bust?

=p Rofl. My first comment in this thread was in fact a joke but when I saw whole the discussion it was to late to say that it was a joke :). Anyway not having a multiplayer is a good reason why it doesn't sold that well first week in others (PS3) version.

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I do know R2 will sell more than Bioshock. That I do know.

Screw the reviews, the first Resistance sold more than Bioshock. You want to compare reviews to sales?

fayewong said:

I do know R2 will sell more than Bioshock. That I do know.

Screw the reviews, the first Resistance sold more than Bioshock. You want to compare reviews to sales?


The Wii sells better than the PS3. You want to compare Blu-Ray to sales?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


axumblade said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
fayewong said:

I do know R2 will sell more than Bioshock. That I do know.

Screw the reviews, the first Resistance sold more than Bioshock. You want to compare reviews to sales?


The Wii sells better than the PS3. You want to compare Blu-Ray to sales?

Bioshock...more like....BioSUCK...sorry. I had to. :D You're getting really up in arms over something that simply revolves around ones own opinion. Bioshock is an amazing game. Resistance 2 is also going to be an amazing game. I personally enjoy playing the Resistance beta more than I enjoyed the bioshock  demo but it's not really that much of an accomplishment since many people hate the Bioshock demo but love the game.


It's one of the best games ever made, IN MY OPINION. I just didn't think PS3 fanboys would have the gaul to blaspheme about the game, in order to tout Resistance 2. They really aren't even in the same genre.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
fayewong said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
konnichiwa said:
Why would you buy an average shooter when Resistance 2 is on his way?


Bioshock is waaaaaay better than Resistance 2. I stay that, knowing full well that I have no clue how good Resistance 2 is, but secure in the knowledge that I am still right.


This logic is wrong.

1. You didn't play Resistance 2 so you know nothing about the game

2. You compared a game you have played (or could've) to an unreleased game

3. You say are right but you could be wrong

Your opinion seems fanboy based. In your mind you will always be right, but not in ours.


Actually, since Bioshock is one of the best games ever made, and has 96 metacritic and gameranking averages respectively, I just assumed that It'll have better reviews than Resistance 2, with a 99 percent certainty, if based on nothing else, pure luck. Also, there is this:

On top of that, I've actually played Resistance 1, and Bioshock. There simply isn't any comparison between those games. In fact, there is no comparison between Bioshock and nearly every other game I've played. It is excellence. I read a 1mb text file that helped explain and flesh out the story for me, I loved it so much.

So, while in theory, I can't say with 100 percent certainty which game is better, I can also not say with 100 percent certainty that the sun will rise tomorrow. However, I can tell you that the sun will rise.

...but no, Bioshock is worse than all the PS3 exclusives that released this year. You're right. I'm the fanboy. Haven't you learned anything, picking a fight with me?


lmao take it easy guys. I think most people who didn't get it but were concidering it did it for the same reason as me. I look at the pc version dirt cheap.. then the ps3 version which costs the same as brand new games... no way. But when it drops i'll deffo be picking bioshock up

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fayewong said:

I do know R2 will sell more than Bioshock. That I do know.

Screw the reviews, the first Resistance sold more than Bioshock. You want to compare reviews to sales?


Stop going after Bioshock like that. It may not have been a AAA title by sales, but it was a great game that could be improved upon. Keep going and i'll show you a shooter Resistance 2 will never be able to surpass.

Lost Planet Port > Bioshock Port.

twesterm said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ twesterm



I'd like to see your rationale for this. Bioshock is one of the most praised console shooters. If there is a large enough base for shooters on the PS3, which Resistance 1 showed a decent amount for this game should have sold well enough for itself.


As others have said, it's a year old game (PC and 360 users have already had their go and the new content isn't enough to justify another purpose) at full price going against shiny new games.

It's still a great game and couldn't be happier that PS3 only owners finally get to play it, but I just wouldn't expect anyything big from it.

As for comparing it to Resistance, remembe that Resistance got so much glory because it was released at a time when there really wasn't much else and Bioshock isn't your average FPS.

I concur.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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KylieDog said:
I never saw what the big deal about Bioshock was. The game was boring as hell.

I put the hype down to it being a 360 exclusive and just fuel for fanboy wars like every other exclusive.

When the PS3 version was announced a lot of the hype and praise for it died, pretty much confirming my theory.


Pardon me for saying so, but that theory is ignorant as hell.

First, Bioshock was never a 360 exclusive.

Secondly, reviewers aren't in the tank for 360 exclusives, and even if they were, this wasn't one.

I highly doubt you've ever played Bioshock, but maybe you have. There's no accounting for taste.

Saying Bioshock isn't one of the best games ever, is a little sickening to me. Acting like it sucks and was only praised because it was on the Xbox 360....well that's sickening to everybody.

I can never trust any of your opinions ever again, because of that post. No one else should either.


It's like me saying LBP only got good reviews because it's a PS3 exclusive....except it's way worse than that, actually. It's more like me saying "Fallout 3 only got good reviews because it's a PS3 exclusive." Because, it's bullshit, obviously, and it's also factually incorrect, because Fallout 3 is a multiplat.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


let me tell u wat i think
1) pc is CHEAP. You can get a reasonably powerful pc with little money. So i guess there are many ps3 owners had already played it on their pc. Since they took a whole long ONE YEAR to port it zzz... in this whole year how many ppl were upgrading their pc? i dont know..
2) even its on the pc, but there is a reason to buy this game for the ps3, since its such a classic game. but for full price? i would say NO if they had already paid full price one year ago for the pc version.
3) Xbox360 is really cheap now. there are alot of ppl i know own ps3 and 360. so alot of them had played the 360 version. the 360 arcade is sooo cheap that even i am planning to buy it and play all the 360 awesome exclusives like gears, fable2, lost oddysey etc b4 selling it off on ebay