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let me tell u wat i think
1) pc is CHEAP. You can get a reasonably powerful pc with little money. So i guess there are many ps3 owners had already played it on their pc. Since they took a whole long ONE YEAR to port it zzz... in this whole year how many ppl were upgrading their pc? i dont know..
2) even its on the pc, but there is a reason to buy this game for the ps3, since its such a classic game. but for full price? i would say NO if they had already paid full price one year ago for the pc version.
3) Xbox360 is really cheap now. there are alot of ppl i know own ps3 and 360. so alot of them had played the 360 version. the 360 arcade is sooo cheap that even i am planning to buy it and play all the 360 awesome exclusives like gears, fable2, lost oddysey etc b4 selling it off on ebay