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KylieDog said:
I never saw what the big deal about Bioshock was. The game was boring as hell.

I put the hype down to it being a 360 exclusive and just fuel for fanboy wars like every other exclusive.

When the PS3 version was announced a lot of the hype and praise for it died, pretty much confirming my theory.


Pardon me for saying so, but that theory is ignorant as hell.

First, Bioshock was never a 360 exclusive.

Secondly, reviewers aren't in the tank for 360 exclusives, and even if they were, this wasn't one.

I highly doubt you've ever played Bioshock, but maybe you have. There's no accounting for taste.

Saying Bioshock isn't one of the best games ever, is a little sickening to me. Acting like it sucks and was only praised because it was on the Xbox 360....well that's sickening to everybody.

I can never trust any of your opinions ever again, because of that post. No one else should either.


It's like me saying LBP only got good reviews because it's a PS3 exclusive....except it's way worse than that, actually. It's more like me saying "Fallout 3 only got good reviews because it's a PS3 exclusive." Because, it's bullshit, obviously, and it's also factually incorrect, because Fallout 3 is a multiplat.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.