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Metal Gear Solid 4 wins it.

I can tell you now it won't be Fallout 3

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Best 360 game: GTAIV
Best PS3 game: GTAIV
Best PC game: GTAIV
Best Wii game: SSBB

Sales don't necessitate a GotY award. You could argue that Wii fit grew what video games mean in the minds of people, but even that doesn't win it an award in my mind. GotY should go to the game of best quality, easy as that. It'll be rife with biases, but that's what opinions are.

RE5 comes out in 09


my personal pick will be little big planet it more inovative and it just endless fun

Lets all not kid ourselves, while this is in no way my personal op, I am positive it is going to be GTAIV. Anything with an average rating on of 97% (Gamerankings) and 98% (Metacritic) will get the award. Just a hunch!

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I hope that MGS4, LBP, or even ToV or Lost Odyssey get it!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

MGS4, runner ups: LBP & GoW

The only two contenders right now are MGS4 and GTA4.
LBP doesn't stand a chance
Fallout 3 doesn't stand a chance
Gears 2 cannot win because Gears 1 won just two years ago

All five will be nominated, but the winner depends on how much reviewers succumb to the hype.

A lot: GTA4
Not very much: MGS4

I'm going to say the nominees will be :
(B) = big chance
(S) = small chance
(N) = no chance

MGS4 (B)
GTA4 (B)
Gears 2 (N)
Resistance 2 (S)
Fallout 3 (S)
Brawl (N)
Dead Space (N)

Sorry if that appears Sony biased, but for the reasons I've mentioned or just because they aren't good enough, several of those games lack the capacity to win.
And two of the following:

Paradise (N)
No More Heroes (N)
Civ Rev (N)
Sins of a Solar Empire (N)
Fable II (N)

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

only one mention of Fable 2 so far?
why so little love?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral


Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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