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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Konami Officially Comments On Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid 4

Are people still talking about this? Guys, it's been debunked. It was an article that took a Konami representative's words out of context to support the idea of more and more exclusive games becoming multiplatform. The Konami rep's original statement had nothing to do with MGS4.

Can we please move on now?

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i guess right now konami is making some market studies how much expected sales for a xbox 360 version will be and on other side calculating costs for the port.
since this game was not made with multiplat in mind, the port will probably be more work so it most likely will be one of the more expensive port. also longer work times on port mean that its going to take longer till release so the question is how much sales would get lowered with it being available for ps3 allready about 1 year till the 360 release (i expect porting to take 4-6 months after they decided to do it so i don't expect a 360 release date earlier than next summer).

Its nice to see that so many 360 fanboys want MGS4.

If MGS4 got released on the 360 I'd most likely buy it.

tombi123 said:
Its funny to see that so many PS3 fanboys don't want other gamers to have MGS4.

You had a few spelling mistakes in your post, but I fixed it up for you.


Seriously, MGS4 didn't turn the tide in the PS3's favour, is there any harm in allowing other gamers to enjoy such a great game?


If it were R2, LBP, KZ2, GoW3, previously FF13 and FF13vs, GT5, that are being toted as system sellers, then there'd be a reason to be against it.


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Stats87 said:
selnor said:
Well, it's now official. The thing is, it really is starting to eliminate any need for a PS3. Yes I know there is Resistance, GT and KZ. But thats 2 FPS's in there. When MGS4 comes to 360 (probably summer 2009) then no longer can we say tekken or FF13, MGS4 (I'm 90% sure now) are reasons to get PS3. Especially new adopters. Lets face it it's only sold 15.8m.

The 360 however seems to hold on to exclusives like, Mass Effect, GeoW, LO, BD, Cry On, PGR, Ninja Gaiden. Only Bioshock and Oblivion have made the jump over this gen. And both are hardly of the same importance.

M$ exclusive list seems to be growing while Sony's is diminishing. Games like MGS4 would have made lots who dont own PS3 still be swayed. But it's just another reason not to pay £300.


There is so much wrong with this post on so many levels, but rather go into details, I'll give a brief rundown.

  • The fact that you somehow consider this official
  • That you put a "probably" in front of a release date you have no evidence for
  • Your neglect for other PS3 games
  • You're missing other exclusives the 360 has lost
  • The "importance" you put on certain games and take away from others. (Cry On? Seriously?) Oblivion and Bioshock are the 2nd and 4th biggest sellers of the 360 the games you listed and ME has only sold a small amount more then Bioshock.

Next time just say "yippee I might be able to play this on my 360" rather then spew this rubbish

Ahh. Sorry. I should have put IMO or personally (as in to my tastes). I deserved your post. :) I would have kicked me and all. LOL.


Paul_Warren said:
With Uncharted 2, God of War III, Little Big Planet, GT5, Killzone 2, Heavy Rain, InFamous, Team ICO Project, White Knight Chronicles, FF Versus XIII exclusive to the PS3 and FFXIII exclusive to the PS3 in Japan, it will just be a little too late for the 360 even if an inferior version of MGS 4 is announced to be coming to the 360. Not even to mention the fact that the 360 MGS 4 could be releasing on the 360 right when Kojima's next project is releasing exclusively on the PS3 so it really wouldn't do much to help the 360 out of its impending fate of being usurped by the PS3 as the second place console by the end of next year.


 I'm calling it now...  Kojima's next major project will be multiplatform.

Who cares? By the time it happens it'll be a good 6 months to 1 year since it released on the PS3. MGS has been on an XBox console before. So it really shouldn't be that big of a deal.

It's funny. A coupple of months ago xbox owners were saying MGS4 were crap, a flop, only a movie. Now, look at all these teases from many of them, changing their opinnions. What a complete ignorant stupid fanboys.

I think from now on sony would only have exclusive games from their own studios, something like microsoft. The cost of a game nowadays are too high to just keep it stuck on a platform (MGS4), especially for 3rd parties, who need to get some venues from sales.

The important to me is the quality games, no matter wich console they are.


"The 360 however seems to hold on to exclusives like, Mass Effect, GeoW, LO, BD, Cry On, PGR, Ninja Gaiden. "

They might do a good job of holding onto them, but in the end no one really wants the majority of them. And out of the large number that they have had this year only two of them still have the potential to really be any good unlike Infinite Undiscovery, Too Human, and Ninja Gaiden II. It doesn't matter how many exclusives you have and can hold onto when in the end you have a batting average of only one of 10 turning out to be a worthwhile game and this has plagued Microsoft's gaming division since the first XBOX. Sure they had Halo back the day much as they have Gears now, but they also had hohum games like Voodoo Vince, Blinx, Brute Force, Azurik: Rise of Perathia, and Mech Assault II at a time when Sony's internal studios were making great games like Jak and Daxter, God of War I and II, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, and GT 3 and 4.

And now the 360 can expect to one good exclusive in Gears of War II, Fable 2 come up with a mid 8 range score in the end and all of the 360's other exclusives turn out to be failures while Sony's great internal studios continue to make fantastic games like Resistance 2, the next Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 2, White Knight Chronicles, Jak and Daxter: The Lost Territory, MAG, Team ICO Project, InFamous, God of War III, Heavy Rain, and many more.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.