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Stats87 said:
selnor said:
Well, it's now official. The thing is, it really is starting to eliminate any need for a PS3. Yes I know there is Resistance, GT and KZ. But thats 2 FPS's in there. When MGS4 comes to 360 (probably summer 2009) then no longer can we say tekken or FF13, MGS4 (I'm 90% sure now) are reasons to get PS3. Especially new adopters. Lets face it it's only sold 15.8m.

The 360 however seems to hold on to exclusives like, Mass Effect, GeoW, LO, BD, Cry On, PGR, Ninja Gaiden. Only Bioshock and Oblivion have made the jump over this gen. And both are hardly of the same importance.

M$ exclusive list seems to be growing while Sony's is diminishing. Games like MGS4 would have made lots who dont own PS3 still be swayed. But it's just another reason not to pay £300.


There is so much wrong with this post on so many levels, but rather go into details, I'll give a brief rundown.

  • The fact that you somehow consider this official
  • That you put a "probably" in front of a release date you have no evidence for
  • Your neglect for other PS3 games
  • You're missing other exclusives the 360 has lost
  • The "importance" you put on certain games and take away from others. (Cry On? Seriously?) Oblivion and Bioshock are the 2nd and 4th biggest sellers of the 360 the games you listed and ME has only sold a small amount more then Bioshock.

Next time just say "yippee I might be able to play this on my 360" rather then spew this rubbish

Ahh. Sorry. I should have put IMO or personally (as in to my tastes). I deserved your post. :) I would have kicked me and all. LOL.