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"The 360 however seems to hold on to exclusives like, Mass Effect, GeoW, LO, BD, Cry On, PGR, Ninja Gaiden. "

They might do a good job of holding onto them, but in the end no one really wants the majority of them. And out of the large number that they have had this year only two of them still have the potential to really be any good unlike Infinite Undiscovery, Too Human, and Ninja Gaiden II. It doesn't matter how many exclusives you have and can hold onto when in the end you have a batting average of only one of 10 turning out to be a worthwhile game and this has plagued Microsoft's gaming division since the first XBOX. Sure they had Halo back the day much as they have Gears now, but they also had hohum games like Voodoo Vince, Blinx, Brute Force, Azurik: Rise of Perathia, and Mech Assault II at a time when Sony's internal studios were making great games like Jak and Daxter, God of War I and II, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, and GT 3 and 4.

And now the 360 can expect to one good exclusive in Gears of War II, Fable 2 come up with a mid 8 range score in the end and all of the 360's other exclusives turn out to be failures while Sony's great internal studios continue to make fantastic games like Resistance 2, the next Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 2, White Knight Chronicles, Jak and Daxter: The Lost Territory, MAG, Team ICO Project, InFamous, God of War III, Heavy Rain, and many more.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.