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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League


Anyone else have high completion percent? I went back and cleaned up a lot of trophy lists. gta5 at 3% is still sucking though. Most recent 100% was the Saboteur and AC4+plus dlc.

I'm aiming for 95%, but it's hard! It actually slows down exponentially, and when games release DLCs (like recently with The Last of Us), I get knocked backed significantly.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

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I am working on finishing up the Enslaved plat and the stupid orb collectibles are a pain. I am stuck at 98 and 99% on like 3 different chapter and dont know if I feel like going through again following a walkthrough.


Anyone else have high completion percent? I went back and cleaned up a lot of trophy lists. gta5 at 3% is still sucking though. Most recent 100% was the Saboteur and AC4+plus dlc.

Is it possible to still get the tome raider plat? The multi on ps3 looks like a ps1 game. The multi in AC4 wasn't too bad!

I've just recently finished Tomb 100% single player trophies, tried the multiplayer, looks like there still might be enough people playing the PS3 version to get the trophies, but there are a lot of MP trophies, a lot of grinding required and most important of all, the multiplayer is a steaming pile of shit...honestly it just plays like a really, really poor man's Uncharted MP, just terrible. So I never touched it again after 1 match, 74% completion doesn't look that bad.

Now I'm playing PES 2014, thank god Sony gave us that game on PS+, cause I always had trouble choosing between the 2 football franchises, that won't be a problem anymore...PES 2014 is just sooooo bad on so many levels, so many gameplay mechanics feel broken it's beyond words...I think this might be the worst football game I have played since FIFA World Cup 2002. So another game in which I won't have a high completion rate unfortunately

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

KylieDog said:
I don't care about completion percentage, too many shitty games I tried and do not care to play again, and I gave up going for trophies I didn't enjoy long ago, unless it is something quick or someting I can legally 'cheat' at I don't bother. (legally cheat as in something possible by the confines of the game but an unintended method).

Yeah, well said.  At this point I just have too many games to play to even worry about trying to Platinum some that may be attainable.  If it's a grind and not my favorite game, no thanks.


Anyone else have high completion percent? I went back and cleaned up a lot of trophy lists. gta5 at 3% is still sucking though. Most recent 100% was the Saboteur and AC4+plus dlc.

Is it possible to still get the tome raider plat? The multi on ps3 looks like a ps1 game. The multi in AC4 wasn't too bad!

I am oscillating betwen 80.5 and 82.5% which I would say is pretty decent with 131 games played.

I was set back by a few PS+ free games which i got and played but knew I would not be able to get most of the trophies ( Max Payne 3 20% and Battlefield 3 23%). But once I am done with the games I started recently ( Last of Us, AC3, The Wolf among us and Walking dead season 2) I should be back to above 82%...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Sacred 3 achievements list :)


Yeah Tomb Raider lvl 60 can be grinded but you will need boosting partners for a few of the other MP trophies and a full game of free for all to even try for plat. I did the free for all tophy on ps3 legit but seemed impossible to even get a full match on PS4 so threw in the towel on the PS4 version.

AC: Black Flag Platinumed!

Love the random sea battles with my uber upgraded ship....but fuck those legendary ships...still it would of been nice to capture them and add them to my fleet.

Started playing Knack. It's charming but I dislike the whole evade thing being controlled by the right stick, this should of been a shoulder button.

The game plays and feels like an old school game like sonic and mario, few hits kill you, few hits kills enemies but for what ever reason added the GOW evade with the right stick, then added way to many ranged enemies, fuck me dead why would anyone add ranged enemies when knack has zero ranged attacks other than his supper. It almost feels like they re-purposed GOW gameplay and then gimped his range and health.

Also, Knack him self needs to shutup...his voice is just outta place. This character should of been a mute or have some gibberish language it speaks, relic language perhaps? I don't know, maybe I'm being to picky but I just feel this character would of been more adorable if it were mute or something...I mean I just played through the first boss, Knack gets all ballsy and macho with his attitude to the boss, telling him he hopes his strong cuz otherwise the battle would be over quick. This coming from Knack who even in his hulk form goes down in like 2-3 hits....yeah....knack the shit talker XD

Anyways, I'm liking it, but I wished it simply played more like current action adventure games than playing like a retro platformer with Kratos playing the role of knack.

So I started red dead redemption last week.

Probably it´ll go to my list "i´ve done the online, one day I´ll play the single player...". Like bioshock 2, crysis, 3, wolfstein, and the list goes on. I don´t know what happens... my friends call me to play/boost something that I usually have or it´s selling for a discounted price (RDR for U$ 5.99 for a weekend...) and I go like "yeah, lets do it".

Then during the boost I keep thinking that I should be playing FF XIV.

Also finished the prince of darkness playthrough in lords of shadows 2, now "just" the collectibles + challenges.

On the vita side, I started tearaway (good game) and done the online trophies in NFS most wanted (a friend called me.. haha). But all I wanna play is destiny of spirits haha can´t believe, 110 hours in that game.

It doesn't matter to me too much, but because completion percentage is a stat that is highlighted on psnprofiles I do care about it somewhat. lol. My goal is to keep my completion percentage above 80%. Right now I keep fluctuating between 78-81% when I start a bunch of new games. After I get 100% in Trine 2, Infamous, South Park Stick of Truth, MGS Ground Zeros, Batman Arkham Origins (actually probably not Origins with the bad MP), The Walking Dead, and The Wolf Among Us I should be back up to 81%. Need to play the DLC on a few games like Bioshock Infinite too and I plan to go back to MGS Peace Walker, Darksiders 2, and the Ratchet & Clank Collection.

That about sums up my entire backlog. Looks like i'm finally getting close to catching up as I don't plan to buy another new game until September with Destiny. And the rest of the year if other big games I'm interested in don't come out until 2015 I may only end up buying 1-2 more games: The Order 1886 and Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor. There are a lot games with unofficial release dates that might slip to 2015 or may hit this year. Like Uncharted 4, Arkham Knight, and The Witcher 3. Might buy the Last of Us again for PS4. Naughty Dog says the upgraded graphical quality looks like going from DVD to blu-ray.