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So I started red dead redemption last week.

Probably it´ll go to my list "i´ve done the online, one day I´ll play the single player...". Like bioshock 2, crysis, 3, wolfstein, and the list goes on. I don´t know what happens... my friends call me to play/boost something that I usually have or it´s selling for a discounted price (RDR for U$ 5.99 for a weekend...) and I go like "yeah, lets do it".

Then during the boost I keep thinking that I should be playing FF XIV.

Also finished the prince of darkness playthrough in lords of shadows 2, now "just" the collectibles + challenges.

On the vita side, I started tearaway (good game) and done the online trophies in NFS most wanted (a friend called me.. haha). But all I wanna play is destiny of spirits haha can´t believe, 110 hours in that game.