AC: Black Flag Platinumed!
Love the random sea battles with my uber upgraded ship....but fuck those legendary ships...still it would of been nice to capture them and add them to my fleet.
Started playing Knack. It's charming but I dislike the whole evade thing being controlled by the right stick, this should of been a shoulder button.
The game plays and feels like an old school game like sonic and mario, few hits kill you, few hits kills enemies but for what ever reason added the GOW evade with the right stick, then added way to many ranged enemies, fuck me dead why would anyone add ranged enemies when knack has zero ranged attacks other than his supper. It almost feels like they re-purposed GOW gameplay and then gimped his range and health.
Also, Knack him self needs to shutup...his voice is just outta place. This character should of been a mute or have some gibberish language it speaks, relic language perhaps? I don't know, maybe I'm being to picky but I just feel this character would of been more adorable if it were mute or something...I mean I just played through the first boss, Knack gets all ballsy and macho with his attitude to the boss, telling him he hopes his strong cuz otherwise the battle would be over quick. This coming from Knack who even in his hulk form goes down in like 2-3 hits....yeah....knack the shit talker XD
Anyways, I'm liking it, but I wished it simply played more like current action adventure games than playing like a retro platformer with Kratos playing the role of knack.