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It doesn't matter to me too much, but because completion percentage is a stat that is highlighted on psnprofiles I do care about it somewhat. lol. My goal is to keep my completion percentage above 80%. Right now I keep fluctuating between 78-81% when I start a bunch of new games. After I get 100% in Trine 2, Infamous, South Park Stick of Truth, MGS Ground Zeros, Batman Arkham Origins (actually probably not Origins with the bad MP), The Walking Dead, and The Wolf Among Us I should be back up to 81%. Need to play the DLC on a few games like Bioshock Infinite too and I plan to go back to MGS Peace Walker, Darksiders 2, and the Ratchet & Clank Collection.

That about sums up my entire backlog. Looks like i'm finally getting close to catching up as I don't plan to buy another new game until September with Destiny. And the rest of the year if other big games I'm interested in don't come out until 2015 I may only end up buying 1-2 more games: The Order 1886 and Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor. There are a lot games with unofficial release dates that might slip to 2015 or may hit this year. Like Uncharted 4, Arkham Knight, and The Witcher 3. Might buy the Last of Us again for PS4. Naughty Dog says the upgraded graphical quality looks like going from DVD to blu-ray.