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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Racist Sony Ad For the PSP

I never even noticed the black dude when i first looked at it. And i don't see how its racist.

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Soriku said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

LOL heres another one!!


Is this real? XD

If you follow the link, it says in the youtube description:

"not a real ad it's actually from the movie "Crazy People" it seems..."


Edit: One comment for the video says: "At 00:23 u see the xbox 360 graphics card and why it malfunctions..."


Fanboyism is everywhere.


Soriku said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

LOL heres another one!!


Is this real? XD

Yeah, it was banned apparently. It has the Sony brand. If anyone used Sony's image for such a likeness they would've been sued.


S.T.A.G.E. said:
LOL wow I guess because it old it means nothing. There is a lack of depth here. I guess thats how it works in America, if it's old its irrelevant. Being prejudice should be let go because that version of the fad went out the window last week. :)

If you had actually provided some interesting commentary their may have been a point in posting it.  All you did was post an ancient article (edit: actually I just noticed all you did was link to a picture.).  It doesn't matter what the topic is.  If it is older than a few days, then it has probably been discussed to death already (at least on the internet).  Also I like how you somehow turned it into America bashing even though neither the ad nor Sony are American.

Not to mention this

and this


Soriku said:
twesterm said:

Meh, this one (or the whole series actually) is worse


There's even a nice little comic about it.


lol WTF was that? Sony make the the weirdest ads ever XD

I'd hit that! I'd hit that! I'd hit that!

At the time when I first seen it years ago, I thought it was lame as hell.

Now that I watch it, It's probably the funniest one! LAWL.


Around the Network
S.T.A.G.E. said:
obieslut said:
well i am mixed race and it dont bother me.

thats like saying capcom is raciest because resident evil is a white dude killing all those black folk


Resident Evil 5 isn't racist. Anyone who thinks that is racist is a moron. That picture that you see there is blatantly racist amongst a laundry list of Sony press.

you only saying its raciest because its sony


twesterm said:

Meh, this one (or the whole series actually) is worse


There's even a nice little comic about it.

LoL that is one of the lamest commercials i ever saw


who cares ????
white,black,yellow or whatever,we are HUMAN beings...

obieslut said:
well i am mixed race and it dont bother me.

thats like saying capcom is raciest because resident evil is a white dude killing all those black folk


 Yeah, maybe they should've populated that African setting with whites and Asians.  That's realistic, right?

This ad isn't racist.  Just sexy.

Let's be honest folks, who didn't love the PSP squirrels??? ^_^

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