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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Disney making EXCLUSIVE Little Big Planet Content!

Will be neat, that's for sure. Too bad I'll never have a PS3 though. This game looks fun, at least for now. We'll see how it is when it's released.

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talkingparrot said:

Source: Neogaf members at PAX


Apparently the Sony Rep previewing LBP at PAX publicly stated that Disney would be making DLC for LBP.  This is off the charts rad!


Does this also add credence to KH3 going PS3?

Duh...Kingdom hearts, Blu Ray...this was bound to be next.


Should be interesting too see what they can come up with.


tombi123 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
tombi123 said:

I hope they make a Monsters Inc. level, Finding Nemo level and a Pirates of the Caribbean level.

Lion King, alladin as well please....oh and Toy Story would do as well



Alladin would be so cool, with flying carpets. Toy Story would be awesome if they got the sackboys to dress like all the toys. 

Mosters Inc. would be amazing. You could scare the children by pulling scary faces. But if the children touch you, then you die. Half way through the level you realise that kids can't harm you and it better to make them laugh. Then you make the kids laugh by pulling silly faces or by slapping your sackboy team mate. 

This announcement has made my excitement double for this game. I just can't wait.

Toy Story would be absolutely perfect, I mean, the film is already based in a "normal physics-based enviroment with small characters", it'll fit like a glove



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Brokeback mountian level confirmed?

Nightmare Before Christmas really fit the artsyle of the game.

This will definetely own.

Console Agnostic since 2001.

This really is weird.Here I thought Disney wouldn't support Sony...

People actually like Disney?

Dude, gross.