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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit vs. Call of Duty: World at War (Wii)

@ sc94597
I don't know how much of The Conduit you've seen but there's some very good environments just there's some that are either not finished or well... it's a hallway in Washington D.C. what are you supposed to make it look like other then white and rather plain. Washington D.C. isn't a city you go to for the scenery to say the least, so if a few things you really can't help, you got a game that still has lot's of time to develop so a few things are going to be polished.

Now I do like CoD:WaW and can't wait till I can play it to see how good they made it, it looks pretty good in motion and I love the thought of having the flamethrower and setting people on fire. That alone makes me want it, as my dream has always been to be a firebat from Starcraft, and what better way to express that love then setting people on fire online?

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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@Zucas, The Wii userbase will be less starved by the time the Conduit comes out. COD 5 is more likely to appeal to a wider audience, its coming sooner and the potentual Wii audience for the Conduit would have already been satiated at least somewhat by COD 5.


Squilliam said:
@Zucas, The Wii userbase will be less starved by the time the Conduit comes out. COD 5 is more likely to appeal to a wider audience, its coming sooner and the potentual Wii audience for the Conduit would have already been satiated at least somewhat by COD 5.

This is probable but I think the Wii userbase... at least the ones that will be buying these kinds of games early on... will be well informed enough to know which is the superior experience which should allow the game to start off well.  Mainstream always follow what's big so they'll catch on. 

I mean for so long I tend to underestimate games and their sales so I think a little more optimism for a title is new for me meaning something has to be clicking with me.  That or I'm insane.


@MaxwellGT Actually the indoor environments look excellent. The outdoor ones are the ones I think need more work on.

Zucas said:
Squilliam said:
@Zucas, The Wii userbase will be less starved by the time the Conduit comes out. COD 5 is more likely to appeal to a wider audience, its coming sooner and the potentual Wii audience for the Conduit would have already been satiated at least somewhat by COD 5.

This is probable but I think the Wii userbase... at least the ones that will be buying these kinds of games early on... will be well informed enough to know which is the superior experience which should allow the game to start off well. Mainstream always follow what's big so they'll catch on.

I mean for so long I tend to underestimate games and their sales so I think a little more optimism for a title is new for me meaning something has to be clicking with me. That or I'm insane.


Isn't that a pretty big assumption to make?

COD 5 has the cards laid out in a row for it.

  • Well known I.P - With cross platform advertising worth 10s of millions.
  • An engine which performs really well off the bat so they don't have to push things as hard or focus as hard on that aspect of development.
  • A formula which has paid off big time for the premiere WW2 franchise at present.
  • Something to prove, they need to justify their existance next to Infinity Ward

Something like that is hard to beat, the safe bet IMO is on COD 5.



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Yea but I've never been about safe bets now have I.

I'm buying both, but I think the conduit will do better sales wise. I also believe Conduit will be a better game. Call of duty will be good but the conduit will be better.


All I know is I'm buying the Conduit first day. COD will be a rental at best.

Does anyone else find those CoD 5 commercials to be a bit nuts? They market it like a typical Wii commercial (the family games, smiles and focused on the people), but here the girl is cheering, "get em!", excited and all, while the dude proceeds to torch Nazis with a flamethrower.

OT: The Conduit is a bit of a gamble. I'd say it wins graphics, but sales might be tough. For the reasons Squilliam game, CoD5 is currently in a better position. The timing is better, too (just before the holidays, as the Wii userbase explodes). If The Conduit turns out to be a much better game, I expect Sega to market it well, at which point it can probably go either way.

Another factor to consider is that CoD5 is multiplatform and lots of Wii owners who will want this have a 360/PS3 and will more than likely get the HD version instead.

Conduit on the other hand is exclusive to Wii so if you want it you have to get it on Wii. Question is will those same people get a Wii exclusive FPS or just buy another HD FPS with their money?