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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 21 Upcoming Wii Games to Drool Over

21, 20, 17, 11, 8 and 3 seems to be the most interesting titles for me. Although, a pretty solid list in general.

@DMeister: I think so too, that NMH2 doesn't belong to that list, but atleast Suda said he would like to make a sequel. But that's just about it.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

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Sqrl said:
Not my favorite list =P Try this one:

1 - Red Steel 2
2 - Force Unleashed
3 - Clone Wars
4 - CoD: World at War
5 - Animal Crossing
6 - Dead Rising: Chop 'till you drop
7 - Tales of Symphonia: DotNW
8 - Deadly Creatures
9 - Fatal Frame IV
10 - Conduit
11 - de Blob
12 - Mad World
13 - Mushroom Men
14 - GH: World Tour
15 - Sonic Unleashed
16 - Arc Rise Fantasia
17 - Spyborgs
18 - Spore
19 - Monster Hunter 3
20 - Fragile

For the last one? I'll let you pick:

21 - Pikmin 3/Mario/Zelda/Kid Icarus/Disaster: DoC/Crystal Bearers/Ghostbusters

Maybe we should just call it the top 27?

Much better. But I think Wario and King's Story deserve a place somewhere in there. Also, Oboro Muramashwhatever.

Why are over half of those games violent, and almost half of them inevitably loaded with tons of blood and gore? Jeez, I miss the days when the core audience was interested in games for being different and new ideas, instead of just rehashing the same tired cliches and throwing in a bunch of bodily fluids and gratuitous bikini shots to hide the unoriginality...

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Why stop at 21 they should done 35 to make it seem like they too many choices to choose from and also they are probably that many coming up in next 12 months anyway.

I love fighting games !!! Come on challenge me !

I'll agree that they did miss a lot of promising Wii games on that list. No Mushroom Men, Ghostbusters, Disaster: DoC, Sonic and the Black Knight, Fragile, Spyborgs, SPRay, Sam & Max, or Monster Lab, and yet they included crap like Wii Music and Castlevania Judgment?

This is just further proof that all "top XXX lists" by the "gaming media" suck.

@ Sky Render: Me too. But then, that's why I love my Wii. Many self-proclaimed "hardcore gamers" would have the Wii become a mini-PS360 in terms of its game lineup, but I say: Keep bringing on the new IP, innovative game ideas, and cutesy, cartoony graphics, and get a PS360 if all you want to play is Halo and Final Fantasy clones and sequels to sequels to sequels to old IP.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Around the Network
Sqrl said:
Not my favorite list =P Try this one:

1 - Red Steel 2
2 - Force Unleashed
3 - Clone Wars
4 - CoD: World at War
5 - Animal Crossing
6 - Dead Rising: Chop 'till you drop
7 - Tales of Symphonia: DotNW
8 - Deadly Creatures
9 - Fatal Frame IV
10 - Conduit
11 - de Blob
12 - Mad World
13 - Mushroom Men
14 - GH: World Tour
15 - Sonic Unleashed
16 - Arc Rise Fantasia
17 - Spyborgs
18 - Spore
19 - Monster Hunter 3
20 - Fragile

For the last one? I'll let you pick:

21 - Pikmin 3/Mario/Zelda/Kid Icarus/Disaster: DoC/Crystal Bearers/Ghostbusters

Maybe we should just call it the top 27?

This list is better.


Really some interesting titles but just one I heard the first time about: Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers and that really makes me drool xD But nothing special in that list, great Games and some Must-Haves for me, but at least 3 of them I have to import because they will never get a release here -.- But no matter how much is missing, what should be added or what just sucks... it's nice to see some really interesting titles for the upcoming months and there are so many more :)

@sqrl: better list, just missing Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers now that I know about it and don't let me choose between all this games on spot 21... just make the list longer ^^

“And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.” -Terry Pratchett

My most anticipated Wii games (That we've seen some media of):

1. The Conduit
2. Madworld
3. Fragile
4. de Blob
5. Arc Rise Fanasia
6. Call of Duty: World at War
7. Fatal Frame IV
8. Little King's Story
9. Tales of Symphonia
10. Final Fantasy CC:CB
11. Monster Hunter 3

Edit: 12. Cursed Mountain

Other's that have been confirmed but we haven't seen yet:

1. The new Zelda title
2. The new Mario game
3. Pikmin 3
4. Retro's project
5. Kid Icarus
6. Tales of Heart

Wow... I just realized how many quality games the Wii has coming. Only one of the games on my list is multiplatform.

You know what's sad, not only is half your list of games not worth drooling over, but you've also listed pretty much every notable title to be released on Wii between now and the second quarter of '09... that's even more sad when you realize that Nintendo's big guns for the holiday season are Wii Music and an updated Animal Crossing with online... yawn.

I just picked up SBCG4AP on WiiWare (my first and only WiiWare purchase for awhile) and plan on picking up MegaMan 9 when it comes out. Other then that I have nothing to look forward to on the Wii until next year... Wario Land could be good but I dunno if it's worth full price, and CoD5 could be good if it has a decent muliplayer (not holding my breath) but thats about it... everything else this holiday season that I'm looking forward too is on 360/PS3.

Ridiculously sad that the world's best-selling console has such a shitty holiday lineup.


Edit:  @OP... Red Steel 2 is listed for a september 16, 2008 release date, and we haven't even seen actual screenshots yet... somebody's lying!  Also, 9 of the 21 games you have listed aren't even coming out till at least Q1 of '09, so that's now a dozen decent games to look forward to between now and January.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

I'm exited about five of those games.

Nintendo still doomed?
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