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You know what's sad, not only is half your list of games not worth drooling over, but you've also listed pretty much every notable title to be released on Wii between now and the second quarter of '09... that's even more sad when you realize that Nintendo's big guns for the holiday season are Wii Music and an updated Animal Crossing with online... yawn.

I just picked up SBCG4AP on WiiWare (my first and only WiiWare purchase for awhile) and plan on picking up MegaMan 9 when it comes out. Other then that I have nothing to look forward to on the Wii until next year... Wario Land could be good but I dunno if it's worth full price, and CoD5 could be good if it has a decent muliplayer (not holding my breath) but thats about it... everything else this holiday season that I'm looking forward too is on 360/PS3.

Ridiculously sad that the world's best-selling console has such a shitty holiday lineup.


Edit:  @OP... Red Steel 2 is listed for a september 16, 2008 release date, and we haven't even seen actual screenshots yet... somebody's lying!  Also, 9 of the 21 games you have listed aren't even coming out till at least Q1 of '09, so that's now a dozen decent games to look forward to between now and January.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.