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Sqrl said:
Not my favorite list =P Try this one:

1 - Red Steel 2
2 - Force Unleashed
3 - Clone Wars
4 - CoD: World at War
5 - Animal Crossing
6 - Dead Rising: Chop 'till you drop
7 - Tales of Symphonia: DotNW
8 - Deadly Creatures
9 - Fatal Frame IV
10 - Conduit
11 - de Blob
12 - Mad World
13 - Mushroom Men
14 - GH: World Tour
15 - Sonic Unleashed
16 - Arc Rise Fantasia
17 - Spyborgs
18 - Spore
19 - Monster Hunter 3
20 - Fragile

For the last one? I'll let you pick:

21 - Pikmin 3/Mario/Zelda/Kid Icarus/Disaster: DoC/Crystal Bearers/Ghostbusters

Maybe we should just call it the top 27?

This list is better.