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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: we didn't bribe to get FFXIII

bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:

blarhgahgalklsalkdjals rant rant rant bahrahasdhabs little finger galrarahrah HULK SMASH blahahashasdasdj rant etc.


Still not over the fall of Sega eh? I know (as a dreamcast owner), it was tough, but we have to move on... (sheds single tear)


 Thats real genuis there..... yeah, lets all support the big corporations who use money to gain success instead of actually having TALENT (Sega, Nintendo) in a particular feild... tut tut tut

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Gobias said:
Ronster316 said:

Well, this is in the microsoft discussion section so im gonna add my views............... Lets go back to 1994 shall we when the Famicom-playstation launched......... SONY HAD NO DEVELOPERS...... and the only knowledge that they did have in gaming was stolen from nintendo by sonys precious ex president ken "thief" kutugari..... Sega and Nintendo were already gaming Hardware and Software PIONEERS.... who can argue with nintendos best games like mario, zelda and donkey kong ect.... and who could argue with Segas rich history in gaming? Sonic, Virtua fighter, shinobi ect.... the point im getting at here is i love how sony fanboys try to make out as though Microsoft are a company that pay for everything???? HOW DO YOU THINK TEKKEN AND WIPEOUT GOT ON TO PLAYSTATION CONSOLES IN THE FIRST PLACE???? yeah, thats right, the almighty dollar, sony PAID FOR THEM.... money talks.... Sega and Nintendo have more gaming talent in thier little finger than sony will EVER HAVE.... sony bought thier success.... Nintendo and Sega EARNED IT.... so next time you talk about microsoft "buying" a game...... consider this......... SONY HAD NOTHING IN THE GAMING BUSINESS UNTIL THEY WAVED THIER CHEQUE BOOK AROUND..... bottom line_________


You've got some issues dude.

I DO.... sony are bottom feeders who profit on other peoples talents.... the last AND ONLY DECENT... creation that come from sony was THE DAMN WALKMAN in the 80's , since then they have bought thier way to the top.....


Good call on square enix, I'm sure sony is not willing to pay them for subsidy after seeing how other rpg's on the system have faired. I just don't see it as a good move for sony and I doubt they are to worried about it to be honest. SE is a company that is all about the money and will do whatever it takes to build revenue(note the ffVII being console swapped) and all the remakes they put out. (my personal opinion at least)

Ronster316 said:
bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:

blarhgahgalklsalkdjals rant rant rant bahrahasdhabs little finger galrarahrah HULK SMASH blahahashasdasdj rant etc.


Still not over the fall of Sega eh? I know (as a dreamcast owner), it was tough, but we have to move on... (sheds single tear)


THts real genuis there..... yeah, lets all support the big corporations who use money to gain success instaed of actually having TALENT (Sega, Nintendo) in a particular feild... tut tut tut


Why not? you seem to be supporting one, MR.44382 points.

Gobias said:
Ronster316 said:


You've got some issues dude.

He's just upset that Sony (the talentless company) single handedly wiped out Sega (the company with talent) to near bankruptcy.

bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:
bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:

blarhgahgalklsalkdjals rant rant rant bahrahasdhabs little finger galrarahrah HULK SMASH blahahashasdasdj rant etc.


Still not over the fall of Sega eh? I know (as a dreamcast owner), it was tough, but we have to move on... (sheds single tear)


THts real genuis there..... yeah, lets all support the big corporations who use money to gain success instaed of actually having TALENT (Sega, Nintendo) in a particular feild... tut tut tut


Why not? you seem to be supporting one, MR.44382 points.

After what sony did............. i want to see them go down.... and if that means sleeping with another enemy..... so be it..... SONY ruthlessly HAD NO REGARD for Sega or Nintendo (REAL GENIUS GAMING COMPANYS) so if sony go down.... screw them... i support microsoft and nintendo because i beleive that they can do to sony what sony did to SEGA...... BURY THEM ALIVE ........


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Ronster316 said:

Well, this is in the microsoft discussion section so im gonna add my views............... Lets go back to 1994 shall we when the Famicom-playstation launched......... SONY HAD NO DEVELOPERS...... and the only knowledge that they did have in gaming was stolen from nintendo by sonys precious ex president ken "thief" kutugari..... Sega and Nintendo were already gaming Hardware and Software PIONEERS.... who can argue with nintendos best games like mario, zelda and donkey kong ect.... and who could argue with Segas rich history in gaming? Sonic, Virtua fighter, shinobi ect.... the point im getting at here is i love how sony fanboys try to make out as though Microsoft are a company that pay for everything???? HOW DO YOU THINK TEKKEN AND WIPEOUT GOT ON TO PLAYSTATION CONSOLES IN THE FIRST PLACE???? yeah, thats right, the almighty dollar, sony PAID FOR THEM.... money talks.... Sega and Nintendo have more gaming talent in thier little finger than sony will EVER HAVE.... sony bought thier success.... Nintendo and Sega EARNED IT.... so next time you talk about microsoft "buying" a game...... consider this......... SONY HAD NOTHING IN THE GAMING BUSINESS UNTIL THEY WAVED THIER CHEQUE BOOK AROUND..... bottom line_________


 The people who are Sony fanboys and saying that Microsoft payed Square Enix have short term memories; in other words, they're hypocrites. The other ones who are complaining are just having a hard time getting over the fact that they payed $500 for a game now out on a $200 console...can't blame them though. I'd be pretty ****** off if Gears 2 went to PS3...well, a little pi**ed anyway.


In any case, they are sad and angry that they lost yet another exclusive.


And SEGA > Sony forever. But really, SEGA > most things.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

i dont think m$ paid for the gmae but i think there was some money involved in the launch window.
if the ps3 version is finished localization and everything and it doesnt come out till the 360 version is done then i think that proves it
i think the more interesting question is if star ocean cost them

I love the PSWII60

Ronster316 said:
bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:
bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:

blarhgahgalklsalkdjals rant rant rant bahrahasdhabs little finger galrarahrah HULK SMASH blahahashasdasdj rant etc.


Still not over the fall of Sega eh? I know (as a dreamcast owner), it was tough, but we have to move on... (sheds single tear)


THts real genuis there..... yeah, lets all support the big corporations who use money to gain success instaed of actually having TALENT (Sega, Nintendo) in a particular feild... tut tut tut


Why not? you seem to be supporting one, MR.44382 points.

After what sony did............. i want to see them go down.... and if that means sleeping with another enemy..... so be it..... SONY ruthlessly HAD NO REGARD for Sega or Nintendo (REAL GENIUS GAMING COMPANYS) so if sony go down.... screw them... i support microsoft and nintendo because i beleive that they can do to sony what sony did to SEGA...... BURY THEM ALIVE ........


so....In otherwords.... you are a fanboy, out to get revenge on the "evil" company known as Sony, by ranting about how they bought their way to the top but plan to see them burn by supporting the competition which happens to also be an "evil" company that has done the same....

bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:
bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:
bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:

blarhgahgalklsalkdjals rant rant rant bahrahasdhabs little finger galrarahrah HULK SMASH blahahashasdasdj rant etc.


Still not over the fall of Sega eh? I know (as a dreamcast owner), it was tough, but we have to move on... (sheds single tear)


THts real genuis there..... yeah, lets all support the big corporations who use money to gain success instaed of actually having TALENT (Sega, Nintendo) in a particular feild... tut tut tut


Why not? you seem to be supporting one, MR.44382 points.

After what sony did............. i want to see them go down.... and if that means sleeping with another enemy..... so be it..... SONY ruthlessly HAD NO REGARD for Sega or Nintendo (REAL GENIUS GAMING COMPANYS) so if sony go down.... screw them... i support microsoft and nintendo because i beleive that they can do to sony what sony did to SEGA...... BURY THEM ALIVE ........


so....In otherwords.... you are a fanboy, out to get revenge on the "evil" company known as Sony, by ranting about how they bought their way to the top but plan to see them burn by supporting the competition which happens to also be an "evil" company that has done the same....

You know what they say....... the first cut is always the deepest........ and imagine if you HATED someone and then someonelse came along who you are not really fond of but that person could in some way right some wrongs..... yes, i support microsoft , but if a dreamcast 2 came out tomorrow i would be 1st in line


Ronster316 said:
bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:
bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:
bbsin said:
Ronster316 said:

blarhgahgalklsalkdjals rant rant rant bahrahasdhabs little finger galrarahrah HULK SMASH blahahashasdasdj rant etc.


Still not over the fall of Sega eh? I know (as a dreamcast owner), it was tough, but we have to move on... (sheds single tear)


THts real genuis there..... yeah, lets all support the big corporations who use money to gain success instaed of actually having TALENT (Sega, Nintendo) in a particular feild... tut tut tut


Why not? you seem to be supporting one, MR.44382 points.

After what sony did............. i want to see them go down.... and if that means sleeping with another enemy..... so be it..... SONY ruthlessly HAD NO REGARD for Sega or Nintendo (REAL GENIUS GAMING COMPANYS) so if sony go down.... screw them... i support microsoft and nintendo because i beleive that they can do to sony what sony did to SEGA...... BURY THEM ALIVE ........


so....In otherwords.... you are a fanboy, out to get revenge on the "evil" company known as Sony, by ranting about how they bought their way to the top but plan to see them burn by supporting the competition which happens to also be an "evil" company that has done the same....

You know what they say....... the first cut is always the deepest........ anbd imagine if you HATED someone and then someonelse came along who you are not really fond of but that person could in some way right some wrongs..... yes, i support microsoft , but if a dreamcast 2 came out tomorrow i would be 1st in line



 I would be 2nd. Your not alone; SEGA is still my favorite game company, too. Sony wasn't the only major factor in SEGAs downfall though. After the hard-to-code Saturn, the awesome Dreamcast came out, but piracy was so easy on it it decimated sales.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.