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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why I hate Microsoft

Snake612 said:
@toastboy44562, microsoft didn't have to be secretive about taking the game from the ps3. They said it themselves they like stealing playstation exclusives!

here it is

"Taking franchises that were formerly exclusive to PlayStation 3, and bringing them to Xbox 360 is just as valuable. Titles that have traditionally been big drivers of their success from third-parties, like Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, the list goes on and on now, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil. These are franchises that have never existed on Xbox 360, and in a way it's like adding exclusive content, because our customers have never had a chance to enjoy these before.

And the last part of the answer is, is when these franchises do come to Xbox 360, they perform better, sales-wise, on Xbox 360, and I'll give you two examples, look at the success of Grand Theft Auto 4 sales on Xbox 360. Every single one of those units never existed before on our platform, so we're having a lot of success here"

here's the link to this comment:

wow....such spin about GTAIV.........considering it's a game that appeals to a VAST audience, and at the same time there are more 360 units in the hands of consumers....doesn't take too much to deduce how that will turn out. Now, why didn't he look at a more NICHE title, like DMC4 in which the FANBASE, not userbase made up the sales. Yeah....PS3 beat it out on that one, and chances are the PS3 will beat out the 360 for FFXIII. Japan = 50% sales of the game. 360 in Japan = 0% sales


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I guess the real-world applies to all but MS. Sony is just as eager to be a monopoly as MS. See Blu-Ray for your necessary recent example. Add to that the previous attempts at creating a "standard" that they could own: UMD, SACD, MiniDisk, Memory Stick, BetaMax and so on... Then there are the rootkit and other interesting little ventures by Sony... EVERY company wants to be at the top of the food chain in their industry because it is about one thing: making money. Everyone needs to get off their high horse thinking Sony and MS are different in any way. They are both corporations for profit (just as the vast majority of companies world-wide). Get a clue. As an outsider looking in, you may not like watching MS and/or Sony attempt to gain leverage over other companies, but if you WORKED in that company or owned STOCK in that company, my how your opinion would change...

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

Sorry but this is over the line.

Bitmap Frogs said:
Man, isn't it ironic that the title that catapulted the ps1 to gaming heaven was a stolen nintendo franchise? Get over yourselves, business is business.

cartridges vs. CDs....THAT's why FFVII went to PS1. Dev costs, hardware limitations, and effects on the gameplay are why it changed ship


This is the dumbest thread I've read in a while.

Actually if it wasn't for Sony and their money this generation...they would be dead.

With all of the "lavish" microsoft spending, they still manage to pull a profit.

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first when did sony own any of those game i was unaware they were all first party. the devs are free to take it where it makes the most business sence

second so now that sony is not the one buying games you guys are pissed, you do remeber the contracts sony made to keep ea sports off dreamcast, monies paid to rockstar for timed exclusive.

but outside of this it is business, if you cant step up you lose. apple lost bungie formally a very good mac developer. im much more of an apple head than an xbox fan. MS has always done games well on the PC, and halo was something i had been eyeing on the mac, so i fallowed it to the xbox.

this generation is no diffrent Sony could stop MS if they wanted to. they must feel its not worth it.

I am kind of glad it does give me more options though i doubt i will ever be able to afford all of the games that are becoming avalible for both consoles. it does make it cheaper to be a gamer, as i do not have to keep both systems this gen to play all the games i want

why do you spew so much hate, the game will still be on your console too, its not like they bought exclusivity wich i dislike personaly though i do understand the need specificaly in first party to difreintiate the consoles

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog