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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony: 'Disappointed in Square Enix'

FilaBrasileiro said:
Sony is focusing on 1st party this generation and going forward I believe. It's much better for a long term investment as you don't have to keep repaying for exclusives. I believe Sony will probably purchase a couple of 2nd party developers within the next year or so.


I agree.

4 ≈ One

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TheSource said:

Sometimes I think Square-Enix bases the stories of betrayal in their RPGs on their business dealings haha.

Lesson here: Develop internal talent to produce high quality exclusives that sell gangbusters.


Sony has more internal talent than Microsoft does, but the drop from PS2 to PS3 is going to be ~130m to ~50m-75m. Thats really sharp.

Now look at Microsoft - imagine if they sold a similar number of consoles with 3rd party exclusives but then lost them all. With even less reliable franchises than Sony I think their fall would be even more precipitous.

Yeh, sony does have loads of great dev studios, but the japan studio just does odd stuff, like Locoroco and Patapon, when they should be making some jRPGs. Sony have just relied on SE over the ages, which is why they have no jRPGs this gen, because they have not stormed the Japanese market


I figured they didn't know because they literally lengthen the MAG demo (which was mostly CGI) and made it the show closer, which I was pretty sure it was going to be FF13 as the closer. Things changed at the last minute. Or for 12 hours as Jack elude to in the begin of the show...

What makes me angry is at this point they are once again focusing resources for another damn shooter when they need to remember that it was RPG fans that help put their ass on the map to begin with. They said it themselves, they can't count on third party exclusive support any longer. So why didn't they start putting money into your RPG division? Someone even said they should have bought Level 5 or Tri-Ace.

Honestly, I am one of the originals that followed Final Fantasy on to the PS1. Don't make me repeat history myself and following it to another platform.

I'm just saying...

Soriku said:
Mistershine said:
Soriku said:
DMeisterJ said:
Yeah, they were, as were the gaming industry at large, and probably MS too

MS should focus on internal development though. Especially as the PS3 userbase rises closer and closer, multi-plats may wind up doing better on the sony console *cough* DMC4 *cough* and not make it worth Microsoft's while. We've all conceded that FFXIII PS3 > FFXIII 360 in sales, so I'm not too sure what it helped MS to do that for.


This makes no sense. Even if they sell better on Sony consoles, sales will be mellowed out. FF XIII was exclusive to the PS3 and was THE reason to own a PS3. Some 360/Wii owners could've bought a PS3 for FF XIII. Now that it's on both the 360 and PS3, those 360/Wii owners could stick with their console or buy a 360 instead of a PS3 for it. Either way, it hurts the PS3 no matter what way you look at it.

But at least the guy's being honest. Looks like they're intent on proving to third parties that the sales alone would warrant exclusives (though it's not going all that great).

Also, of course Sony knew. They're share holders and if they didn't know this then Sony could EASILY sue SE. He's saying that MS likely paid for FF XIII...and since Sony is a share holder of SE that means MS likely paid for FF XIII just as I expected not because they want to expand (though that's probably a case as well, it's probably not the "prime" case). MS is really intent on hurting Sony this gen, but the Wii not so much.


SE is under no obligation to divulge all of their business decisions to all of their share holders. If they were then MS or Sony could easily buy a few shares in the other and demand to see all of their pending contracts. Never gonna happen.


True...but I thought the company always divulges decisions to share holders? What do they tell Sony then who own 8.58% of them?

Possibly nothing.  While number 3.  Shareholders 1 and 2 are both i believe primarly controlled by the previous head of Enix.


PhalanxCO said:

Let's think about this people. If Sony was surprised by this announcement, then how could they have known that Microsoft paid for it?


They don't, of course.  It's just fodder so that Sony fanboys can waste directionless energy being angry at Microsoft instead of being disappointed in Sony.  If this issue bothers them, they should be disappointed in Sony, of course, since Sony dropped the ball on this after repeated warnings from Square-Enix.

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Soriku said:
Lone_Canis_Lupus said:
TheBigFatJ said:

He's saying MS paid Square, but that's just pandering to fanboys and he knows it's probably not true. Even if it were, he wouldn't know about it.

Microsoft wants success in Japan badly. If they paid Square, don't you think they would have gotten Japan? More likely, they didn't pay Square and Square is just disappointed in the PS3's sales figures and made a savvy business decision.

Here is the difference between MS buying this and winning it: primary Final Fantasy games will all likely come out on the 360 in the future and future MS consoles, and may even become 360-first.  If Final Fantasy 13 sells better than the 360, what if it becomes 360 first?  Then will MS accuse Sony of buying into it?

Whatever, it's just fanboy fodder.  Something for them to believe and something completely irrelevant which is intended to increase hatred of Microsoft rather than disappointment in Sony.

Sony fans should be disappointed in Sony if they care about this issue, not angry at Microsoft.  It's Sony who lost exclusivity of the franchise.


Oh, it's SONY's fault that it went multiplatform? Sony INTENTIONALY lost exclusivity of the title? Hah, you make me laugh.

Well...Sony could've always thrown money at them to keep it exclusive but as someone said earlier im the thread I bet SE refused Sony and thought MS's way was a smarter choice for them...


Oh. I thought they'd tell them something because someone said yesterday if they don't tell their share holders any info then the share holders could sue them...


Whether or not MS and Sony had a money fight, in the end it was Squares choice. To blame Sony for losing exclusivity to the game is stupid.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus

DirtyP2002 said:
TheSource said:

Sometimes I think Square-Enix bases the stories of betrayal in their RPGs on their business dealings haha.

Lesson here: Develop internal talent to produce high quality exclusives that sell gangbusters.


Sony has more internal talent than Microsoft does, but the drop from PS2 to PS3 is going to be ~130m to ~50m-75m. Thats really sharp.

Now look at Microsoft - imagine if they sold a similar number of consoles with 3rd party exclusives but then lost them all. With even less reliable franchises than Sony I think their fall would be even more precipitous.


 MS has enough money to spent on exclusive deals. Sony just can't mess with MS moneywise. MS could buy Square Enix, just because they feel like to. I mean 45 billion USD for yahoo. Square Enix would be a smaller fish :D

I know they won't buy SE, but they could if they wanted to.

*edit* there is just no company that could convince a 3rd party developer just with the money. MS pays just too good.


That's not the way it works, I'm afraid. They could only buy it if that would mean more value for the shareholders in the long run. It's impossible for Microsoft to earn money on a Square Enix take-over, so in practice they can't but SE. The 360 is not their core business anyway, totally not comparable with the Yahoo case.

poor sony. oh so disappointed in backstabbing evil square.

i hear the sobbing even here.

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Ahhh boo hoo poor jackie grabbing sod!!!

That the FFXIII announcment was such a surprise is just proof that Sony are still a bunch of arrogant faceless twits...

They base their buisness on traditional japan style ethos...but forget that they are doing transactions in the western world...

PhalanxCO said:

Let's think about this people. If Sony was surprised by this announcement, then how could they have known that Microsoft paid for it?


Just because they were surprised by the announsment dosent mean that this is the first time theyve heard about it.... but my thinking is if they knew about it i would figgure they would let it leek out so that MS wouldnt have had such a big impact on E3