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I never say thing like this one but... O M F G. Look like the only exclusive than the ps3 could have was mgs.

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

Best Games/Serie of the Generation

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I'm totally shocked. I had breathed a huge sigh of release when he walked off, but I am still completely shocked.
Sony better have something good tommorow

Shxt! My purchase of the PS3 was so wrong....just...soooo wrong....(see my signature for explanation).

Currently loving my Wii x2, Xbox 360 Pro & Xbox 360 Arcade, and Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Limited "Cloud Black" 160GB PS3






PDF said:
Does this win e3 alone?


Yep, prety much, unless Nintendo shows something like Animal Crossing with a bundled 8Gig SD card (I hope).

Wii code: 4679-4491-5808-6319,MKWii: 4296-3394-2843; Animal Crossing Wii: 3008-1736-4670.


As a dev, my question is this - is SE building the game on the XB360 and porting it over to the PS3?

THAT would truly be the most major insult Squaresoft has done since jumping the the PS1 instead of N64.

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First off congrats to 360 for getting a great game, hell i am abit disappointed being a PS3 fan, but hey, shit happens, who knows, perhaps a FF7 remake tommorow????

But why are people acting like it spells doom for the PS3, all i heard was that is was coming to 360 in NA and in Europe, but not Japan, where it sells the most if i am correct.

Another thing is that why are people saying MSOFT won E3 when E3 isn't even over???? Fair enough it was a big announcement but don't jump to conclusions so early.

I am not saying dont get excited but please just rember THE GAME IS COMING OUT ON PS3 AND 360, FFVERSUS 13 IS ON PS3 ASWELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huge blow for Sony.I think it has secured it for Japan (thats where it will have more impact nontheless) and the Versus is still exclusive.

But a true changing of history ...never again did a FF be released in two consoles.

MS must have paid what for this ??Its incredible.

And Sony and japanese fans can really get a bit upset against MS and Square ,a japanese company who had 65% of its sales in Japan and it has just turned to the console no one wants to see in their home in Japan. Last Remnant first on 360 and PC ,SO4 exclusive (at least temporal exclusive) for the 360 ,Unfinite Undiscovery exclusive for the 360....MS has seen very well that Mistwalker and the likes couldnt do a thing to reverse the misfortunes of the 360 in Japan and has turned its limitless wallet toward the big daddy,SE.A very logical ,and expensive ,decision.We will see if it pays off.

I will still buy the PS3 version of this and FF XIII Versus,in its 50Gb Blu Ray and probably the best version.

i said that it will go a multiplatform before in another thread but no one believe me that time .... i feel it cuz its get strange when they said its will not shown this E3.

Smeags said:
naznatips said:
Wow! Last minute megaton announcement saves what would have been the worst E3 in history!

Agreed. Still, 2 minutes of greatness does not excuse 90 minutes of UNO rush.

I have to admit though, I had a good laugh when FFXIII was announced. Classic, Microsoft definitely gets Brownie Points for this one.

Oddly the Netflix thing interests me the most.  I mean that basically covers the price of Xbox live itself.

starcraft said:
tombi123 said:

So now one game does make the difference between 2nd and 3rd place. The hypocrisy is amazing.

I agree. Sony fans have been telling us for years the PS3 could win without FFXIII exclusivity.  Now everyone is backtracking when the time comes to prove it?



The region where this will move most consoles is Japan. It will still move lots of PS3's in Japan. The PS3 doesn't need FFXIII exclusivity to come second, as is shown by the weekly sales data, every week.