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Well, I´ll definitely buy an Xbox360 now - this really was the announcement I needed to decide.

Oh hell, all those RGP´s are waiting for me...

Great deal, Microsoft! The rest of the press conference was really boring but this announcement really got me excited.

Sony Fans, I wouldn´t be too sad now, though - let´s wait till all conferences are over.

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It's a logic move, they need the bigger userbase of the 360, remember Square betrayed Nintendo once, and now it's doing it to Sony. We'll see wich version sells more though, by the time FF13 comes the difference in consoles sold will be narrower.

The PS3 is getting Bioshock and possibly Mass Effect 2, seems like the only way for a third party game to stay exclusive is paying the publisher some money...

Why are PS3 fans so gutted? You're still getting the game!

You are all reacting as if FF is no longer coming to the PS3. Get a hold of yourselves.
Left for dead is coming to the PS3, and PS3 has 1st party devs that the PC known as the 360 does not.

it is hilarious to me that people would want to sell their PS3 because the 360 is ALSO getting FF.

Although it is a megaton for super-nerds such as us.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

Kasz216 said:
Smeags said:
naznatips said:
Wow! Last minute megaton announcement saves what would have been the worst E3 in history!

Agreed. Still, 2 minutes of greatness does not excuse 90 minutes of UNO rush.

I have to admit though, I had a good laugh when FFXIII was announced. Classic, Microsoft definitely gets Brownie Points for this one.

Oddly the Netflix thing interests me the most.  I mean that basically covers the price of Xbox live itself.

He said the Netflix feature comes at "no additional cost."

I assume this means there's no additional cost on top of the regular Netflix fee.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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I have to say i was totally shocked about that.

However Sony fans have to read the line a little closely. It say it will be "Similtanious be released in NA and Europe". That doesn't mean it won't be going to Japan. Japan could be getting it earlier or later.

But there is no hiding from it that is a monster blow to the PS3, probably one it won't recover from. MGS4 was their last A+ exclusive and that did nothing to PS3 sales. Losing FFXIII is more then just losing a game, it is a sign of how the Japanese developers now see the PS3. They see it as a failing machine in the same vein they did the Gamecube and Dreamcast. Square Enix have clearly now done what Capcom did and show alligance to the 360. Konami will look at that and i think will also think even more seriously about bringing a modified version of MGS4 to 360. It has barely sold 1m in a month. That is not sales that will keep Konami happy to stay exclusive with the MGS franchise.

There was a really interesting piece about the PS3 which i can't find but it was about hype. It was saying that the PS3 is living off of 2 things. The strong Sony fans who by word of mouth will preach it's greatness. And the titles it once had on it's previous versions. If you now say to someone pay £300 because we got Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 i don't think many people will be willing to pay that. It is strange how 1 game can really make a console look good or not.

Munkeh111 said:
Sony better have something good tommorow


lol, I am sure all the Sony execs are sitting in a room right now staring at each other in disbelief. half of them are probably already on a plain back home.

How the hell are there already three pages on this thread?!

Oh yeah the MS conference was ok. The announcement of Fallout 3 exclusive Xbox live content and the co op mode in RE5 made me the most happy. Banjo looks okay, Fable 2 need to see more before I will buy it. Geow 2 very beautifull and that is then also all for me...

All that casual shit hurted my eyes X_X...

And the FFXIII announcement was epis but me as a multi console owner (and since last week I own tham all) I really don't care much why should I be happy anyway that I can it play on X360 while I was already sure I could buy it on PS3.

Well, at least more people will be able to play the game!

Also, I predict that 360 fans will now get enormous interest in this game, while Sony fans will drop this game (not completely ofcourse)

Congrats MS, you have won this E3 from Sony, let's see what Nintendo has to show!