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Forums - Sony Discussion - Mirrors Edge : PS3 Cell lets DICE push texture res "much higher"

Kyros said:
LOL we had too many developers making positive or negative remarks about the 360 or the PS3. One more doesn't decide the debate.

IMO two things are getting clearer:

1)PS360 games STILL have a slight advantage on 360.

2) PS3 exclusives like Uncharted, MGS4, GT5-P seem to have a slight advantage over 360 exclusives (If you take away the Unreal3 engine that also works on the PS3 (Unreal Tournament)

I think PS3 exclusives will outpace 360 exclusives in the midterm. But both consoles provide amazing visuals and are much nearer to  each other than ever before, so who cares.


The best comment in the thread. Well said mate!!!

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Gobias said:

Is it just me, or could NJ5 usurp the throne of MDF from Starcraft? (and I'm not just talking about this thread)


you are right ,,,,He is in every single PS3 thread ready with a negative spin,,,,really annoying.




i dont care.

NNN2004 said:
i dont care.


Then why did you post. :S

makingmusic476 said:
NNN2004 said:
i dont care.


Then why did you post. :S


 and people say sony fans invading ms forums is getting out of hand

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BMaker11 said:
Dev: PS3 can do (insert something here)
Forum posters: Let's just wait and see.....those devs can't possibly know what they're talking about so I won't listen

I'm sure the developers know what they're talking about, so just take it. So what if the Cell helps bump up textures. Get over it


Sony sure as hell didn't know what they were talking about when they unveiled the PS3.... and the PS2.... and the PSP... yes that dig was unnecessary but it's relevant to what you just said. Developers will give you rubbish if they can use it as a deterrent to stop people from knowing how badly a product's development is currently going.


Point is, I've seen enough BS in my lifetime as a gamer to just be able to know what the real deal is and when I'm having rubbish forced down my throat and the Cell, like the Emotion Engine before it is well up in that list. Call me skeptical or call me a cynic, but until we see genuine gameplay feeds with screen furniture and everything else in place, I'm not having it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to diss Mirror's Edge here because it does sound like it could be awesome, but I'm gonna hold my hopes close to my chest while shrugging off the hype for the time being.


Skepticism leads to less disappointment.



I find it interesting they state the Cell processor results into much higher quality textures, a default harddrive or the extra space provided by Blu-Ray disc would provide more common arguments for being able to result into higher quality textures.

This seems to indicate they are doing some procedural synthesis using the Cell or they can just decompress high quality textures much faster on the PS3 using the Cell.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

lightbleeder said:
I just thing this game could benefit much more from having a great number of frames per second than a lot of res. While graphics makes a game more inmerssive a high number of frames per seconds would make it a lot smoother and more awesome to play because seems to me that you will be moving fast. Hopes it stays at 60FPS


Totally agree.  I'm pretty interested in this game and fluidity of movement should be given far higher priority than looks.  From what I've seen so far they are going for crisp, clean, texture lead environments with minimal extraneous detail which should work well in context.

OT if a game can genuinely achieve something better on either platform I think developers should go for it.  Just because I have a PS3 I wouldn't want developers to hold back for 360 if they can do more with it for a particular game and I hope that if they can do something better on PS3 (for example if well implemented motion controls could actually work well in this game from what they've shown so far) then they should do so.

I'm surprised they mention higher res textures but hey, what do I know?  Maybe they are using SPE (correct term?) to perform faster uncompressing of textures vs 360 (or could) but really so long as both versions play well and look good enough (my preference to looking good over gameplay or framerate) then I say job well done.




Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...


I find it interesting they state the Cell processor results into much higher quality textures, a default harddrive or the extra space provided by Blu-Ray disc would provide more common arguments for being able to result into higher quality textures.

Cool, I agree with you in this one.

This seems to indicate they are doing some procedural synthesis using the Cell or they can just decompress high quality textures much faster on the PS3 using the Cell.

Well, procedural textures/using procedural synthesis to make textures real time isn't what really is possible with real high res textures(I mean all of them. I am talking about 256MB+ for all textures.). Also extraction isn't that hard for any nowadays computers. Yeah, jpg is based on discreet cosine transformation, but usually you use it with fast discreet cosine transformation, which really isn't that CPU intensive. Of course you could use fractal compression, but thats way too complicated to make it work real time or even make better than jpg.

And about other technologies, theres jpeg2000(which isnt that used, sadly :/), but wavelet transformation in jpg2000 isn't too CPU instensive that only CELL could use it.

(Yeah, I had passed image compression course in univ last spring. ^^)


@all those bullshot admirers

And those screenshots, lol just lol, do you really believe every bullshot there is? :D

@ Deneidez

Well, procedural textures/using procedural synthesis to make textures real time isn't what really is possible with real high res texture

Using procedural approaches can provide some huge advantages with regard to required storage and bandwidth.

Potential disadvantages are more processing time needed and worse results than fully hand drawn images.

The Cell is extremely powerful for procedural synthesis. For an advanced streaming engine on a system with a CPU as powerful as the Cell processor, you can much faster generate high quality procedural textures than it could otherwise be loaded from disc.

Also extraction isn't that hard for any nowadays computers.

Of course, but the Cell has many processors. So more data can be decompressed simultaneously, also a SPU not tasked with other tasks can provide faster results.

The faster this all can be accomplished the more data can be utilized with streaming.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales