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Forums - Sony Discussion - Japan Prelim: Around 460k first week in Japan for MGS4

FinalEvangelion said:
I'm going to go with 1.6 mil. the first week, which I originally had 1.2 mil. first week.

FF7 and 10 sold 2 mil. the first week with 5 million install base. I predict FF 13 to release at 3 million PS3 install base.

MGS and FF, maybe GT, are anomalies that will have abnormally high attach rates. In other words, MGS and FF are like Zelda and Mario were to the GC and N64. People are buying the console specifically with these games in mind.

Oh yeah, I did say AROUND 460k on the headline.

 Yeah, I'd say that FFXIII should sell around 1.6 mil first week when it releases.  I think a lot of hardware will be sold too because no other killer JRPG's have released yet (unless WKC comes first).  I think a lot of people will finally upgrade to ps3's once it releases.  There is a neglected JRPG crowd just begging Sony to give them a REASON to bother upgrading.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

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DragonLord said:
FinalEvangelion said:
I'm going to go with 1.6 mil. the first week, which I originally had 1.2 mil. first week.

FF7 and 10 sold 2 mil. the first week with 5 million install base. I predict FF 13 to release at 3 million PS3 install base.

MGS and FF, maybe GT, are anomalies that will have abnormally high attach rates. In other words, MGS and FF are like Zelda and Mario were to the GC and N64. People are buying the console specifically with these games in mind.

Oh yeah, I did say AROUND 460k on the headline.

 Yeah, I'd say that FFXIII should sell around 1.6 mil first week when it releases.  I think a lot of hardware will be sold too because no other killer JRPG's have released yet (unless WKC comes first).  I think a lot of people will finally upgrade to ps3's once it releases.  There is a neglected JRPG crowd just begging Sony to give them a REASON to bother upgrading.

Sign the Petition to get RPG's on the PS3!!!  Now!!! Link:

???????????????? like those people?

MGS 2/3 received a boost as well. It seems MGS is only growing with MGS4, despite the ps3's low install base. I expected MGS4 to sell ~1.2 million week one tops, let alone 1.3 million DAY one.

Admittedly, I did not expect MGS4 to perform so well. Great news for Sony, especially in Japan. Subsequent weeks will be the true test however. I suspect that it will be very frontloaded.

Xponent said:
Admittedly, I did not expect MGS4 to perform so well. Great news for Sony, especially in Japan. Subsequent weeks will be the true test however. I suspect that it will be very frontloaded.

Um... no... just no. No one expects this game to have a test for legs because no other MGS has. The only people who are saying "It all comes down to legs now" just want to belittle the accomplishment

When this game recieves a 65% drop I dont want to hear about it from anyone.

OF COURSE IT'S FRONT LOADED! The other three were too.

Mgs3 - 1.09 to .46 60% drop off. (Japans drop off is 76% just to compare to the other numbers since I dont have WW for those games. Looks as if with WW numbers the drop off will be smaller)
Mgs2 - .47 to .09 80% drop off. (only have japans numbers)
MGS - .35 to .1 70% drop off. (japans numbers only)

1.63 mil - first week MGS4. 41% of MGS3's total sales

.57 - second week. 2.20 in 2 weeks. 55% of MGS3's total sales.

.20 ish 3rd week 2.40 in 3 weeks. 60%

.10 ish 4th week 2.50 in a month

Then christmas sales will boost the game some more

Then we all know it will recieve a re-release treatment just like the other three that helped them with sales.


Around the Network
leo-j said:

bundles not included, should be 500k overall

Much more than I or anyone else expected for japan.



I was correct MGS4 did allow the PS3 to pass the wii for this week.

it will probably only outsell it in japan

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

brute said:
leo-j said:

bundles not included, should be 500k overall

Much more than I or anyone else expected for japan.



I was correct MGS4 did allow the PS3 to pass the wii for this week.

it will probably only outsell it in japan

Its got a shot at others. Also wii had 130k last week in NA and apparently there havent been reports of extra shipments Ps3 may edge out the wii this week. When numbers come in tomorrow for others Ill make my decision then.

I Perdict said:
Xponent said:
Admittedly, I did not expect MGS4 to perform so well. Great news for Sony, especially in Japan. Subsequent weeks will be the true test however. I suspect that it will be very frontloaded.

Um... no... just no. No one expects this game to have a test for legs because no other MGS has. The only people who are saying "It all comes down to legs now" just want to belittle the accomplishment

 I expect it to have legs.  I mean... it's going to stay bundled in all three territories to my knowedlge... and it will be the only way to get the superior 80 gig.

Kasz216 said:
I Perdict said:
Xponent said:
Admittedly, I did not expect MGS4 to perform so well. Great news for Sony, especially in Japan. Subsequent weeks will be the true test however. I suspect that it will be very frontloaded.

Um... no... just no. No one expects this game to have a test for legs because no other MGS has. The only people who are saying "It all comes down to legs now" just want to belittle the accomplishment

 I expect it to have legs.  I mean... it's going to stay bundled in all three territories to my knowedlge... and it will be the only way to get the superior 80 gig.

but when only 120k Ps3's are sold a week and not everyone is going be purchasing the MGS4 bundle....

@ I perdict, when have there only been 120k PS3s sold in a week? It has been at 150k recently, and that is due to the pre-MGS 4 dip as people wait for that 80GB bundle