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FinalEvangelion said:
I'm going to go with 1.6 mil. the first week, which I originally had 1.2 mil. first week.

FF7 and 10 sold 2 mil. the first week with 5 million install base. I predict FF 13 to release at 3 million PS3 install base.

MGS and FF, maybe GT, are anomalies that will have abnormally high attach rates. In other words, MGS and FF are like Zelda and Mario were to the GC and N64. People are buying the console specifically with these games in mind.

Oh yeah, I did say AROUND 460k on the headline.

 Yeah, I'd say that FFXIII should sell around 1.6 mil first week when it releases.  I think a lot of hardware will be sold too because no other killer JRPG's have released yet (unless WKC comes first).  I think a lot of people will finally upgrade to ps3's once it releases.  There is a neglected JRPG crowd just begging Sony to give them a REASON to bother upgrading.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450