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Xponent said:
Admittedly, I did not expect MGS4 to perform so well. Great news for Sony, especially in Japan. Subsequent weeks will be the true test however. I suspect that it will be very frontloaded.

Um... no... just no. No one expects this game to have a test for legs because no other MGS has. The only people who are saying "It all comes down to legs now" just want to belittle the accomplishment

When this game recieves a 65% drop I dont want to hear about it from anyone.

OF COURSE IT'S FRONT LOADED! The other three were too.

Mgs3 - 1.09 to .46 60% drop off. (Japans drop off is 76% just to compare to the other numbers since I dont have WW for those games. Looks as if with WW numbers the drop off will be smaller)
Mgs2 - .47 to .09 80% drop off. (only have japans numbers)
MGS - .35 to .1 70% drop off. (japans numbers only)

1.63 mil - first week MGS4. 41% of MGS3's total sales

.57 - second week. 2.20 in 2 weeks. 55% of MGS3's total sales.

.20 ish 3rd week 2.40 in 3 weeks. 60%

.10 ish 4th week 2.50 in a month

Then christmas sales will boost the game some more

Then we all know it will recieve a re-release treatment just like the other three that helped them with sales.