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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - what game on wii has the best story?

Resident Evil Remake for Gamecube!
I'm still looking into the storyline! I got RE:UC a week back and now i'm putting evenmore pieces together!:)
Really for story there is no turning around RE though you do have to be patient:)
Also Timesplitters 3 had a good (and funny!) story!
Playing Killer 7 atm and that has a weird story to it (very political) that could turn out good:)
Good luck!

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Self-proclaimed, biggest Resident Evil Fanboy of VGChartz!

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you don't have Okami, I haven't played it yet, but I heard it has a good story

bully wii

zelda: tp


no more heroes.

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius

Has to be Madden hands down!

brute said:
yes i also have a gaming pc,which one do you recommend there?

PC has the best videogame stories in history. Looking for great stories on consoles while you have a gaming PC, is not bright.

Looking at 2007 titles, PC alone had the 5 best stories overall last year:

1- Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (best videogame story since Planescape: Torment)

2- The Witcher

3- Bioshock

4- Sam & Max: Season 1

5- The Lord of the Rings Online

(4 out of 5 were PC exclusives)


Ishy said:

This. Best Videogame Story ever. 

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Eeherm... What about Okami?!...


shio said:
brute said:
yes i also have a gaming pc,which one do you recommend there?

PC has the best videogame stories in history. Looking for great stories on consoles while you have a gaming PC, is not bright.

Looking at 2007 titles, PC alone had the 5 best stories overall last year:

1- Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (best videogame story since Planescape: Torment)

2- The Witcher

3- Bioshock

4- Sam & Max: Season 1

5- The Lord of the Rings Online

(4 out of 5 were PC exclusives)


Ishy said:

This. Best Videogame Story ever.

More like, IMO:

1) Bioshock

2) The Darkness

3) Mass Effect

4) Portal

5) Hotel Dusk

...and all of those are available on consoles.

The Witcher had a terrible translation and some cringe-worthy voice acting. Sam & Max is a comedy game which, while it may have good writing, has sort of a negligible story. And I refuse to believe that you can tell a decent story in a persistent online world like LotRO.

The only one that might be up there is NWN2, but I haven't played it. It was apparently written by Chris Avellone, though, so I may have to.

At least we can agree on the last point, though.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Garcian Smith said:
shio said:
brute said:
yes i also have a gaming pc,which one do you recommend there?

PC has the best videogame stories in history. Looking for great stories on consoles while you have a gaming PC, is not bright.

Looking at 2007 titles, PC alone had the 5 best stories overall last year:

1- Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (best videogame story since Planescape: Torment)

2- The Witcher

3- Bioshock

4- Sam & Max: Season 1

5- The Lord of the Rings Online

(4 out of 5 were PC exclusives)


Ishy said:

This. Best Videogame Story ever.

More like, IMO:

1) Bioshock

2) The Darkness

3) Mass Effect

4) Portal

5) Hotel Dusk

...and all of those are available on consoles.

The Witcher had a terrible translation and some cringe-worthy voice acting. Sam & Max is a comedy game which, while it may have good writing, has sort of a negligible story. And I refuse to believe that you can tell a decent story in a persistent online world like LotRO.

The only one that might be up there is NWN2, but I haven't played it. It was apparently written by Chris Avellone, though, so I may have to.

At least we can agree on the last point, though.

The Witcher, even with some bad translation at times, had a much better story than Mass Effect. When the enhanced edition comes (over 5000 dialogues re-written, new voice-acting and 100 new facial animations) it will trully show the story's full potential.

And Lord of the Rings Online has a great story/lore, with storytelling much akin to sandbox Western RPGs (check Fallout 1 & 2). Being completely faithful to Tolkien's world is a bonus.

Sam & Max is a comedy, so it must not have a deep or complex story. The characterizations, writing and atmosphere they made leveled the game into one of the best adventures in recent time.

EDIT: I'm not sure why you'd put The Darkness. It had some great moments, but it was average mostly.


forgot to mention,i have okami on ps2,also alot seem to mention NMH i might get that,and some pc games

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Dittwfz said:
No More Heroes.


 Ditto. It's a bit over-the-top though.