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Garcian Smith said:
shio said:
brute said:
yes i also have a gaming pc,which one do you recommend there?

PC has the best videogame stories in history. Looking for great stories on consoles while you have a gaming PC, is not bright.

Looking at 2007 titles, PC alone had the 5 best stories overall last year:

1- Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (best videogame story since Planescape: Torment)

2- The Witcher

3- Bioshock

4- Sam & Max: Season 1

5- The Lord of the Rings Online

(4 out of 5 were PC exclusives)


Ishy said:

This. Best Videogame Story ever.

More like, IMO:

1) Bioshock

2) The Darkness

3) Mass Effect

4) Portal

5) Hotel Dusk

...and all of those are available on consoles.

The Witcher had a terrible translation and some cringe-worthy voice acting. Sam & Max is a comedy game which, while it may have good writing, has sort of a negligible story. And I refuse to believe that you can tell a decent story in a persistent online world like LotRO.

The only one that might be up there is NWN2, but I haven't played it. It was apparently written by Chris Avellone, though, so I may have to.

At least we can agree on the last point, though.

The Witcher, even with some bad translation at times, had a much better story than Mass Effect. When the enhanced edition comes (over 5000 dialogues re-written, new voice-acting and 100 new facial animations) it will trully show the story's full potential.

And Lord of the Rings Online has a great story/lore, with storytelling much akin to sandbox Western RPGs (check Fallout 1 & 2). Being completely faithful to Tolkien's world is a bonus.

Sam & Max is a comedy, so it must not have a deep or complex story. The characterizations, writing and atmosphere they made leveled the game into one of the best adventures in recent time.

EDIT: I'm not sure why you'd put The Darkness. It had some great moments, but it was average mostly.