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Forums - Gaming Discussion - MGS4 = BEST Game this Gen - Impressions Thread- *(NO Spoilers)*


It must get legs like COd4 got on the PS3..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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indeed i think i'll make som mash up videoes on youtube, some montages and stuff like that. This games needs to be played by everyone.

notification to the 360 fanboys, i got to say: you have to buy a ps3 for this.

It has way better third person shooting than gears of war, it has way better stealth than double agent, and it has of cource the best story out there(except rpgs).

do you like gears of war? buy this game
do you like splinter cell, thief? buy this game
are you a graphic whore? buy this game
do you like action? buy this game
are you an idiot? then you wont buy this game

I honestly never thought that any game would be able to knock final fantasy 9 and zelda ocina of time of the throne of "the best games i've ever played" but i was mistaken its just to good it actually deserves a 10 maybe even an 11 unlike gta 4. Which was a 8 imo. Best game this year ,even this centuary


I'm gonnna convince my PS3 friends tomorrow.....or I'll keep on spamming them with PSN messages before they buy it

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

already made all my friends switch from xbox 360 to ps3. and i will make them buy this game as well.


I think PS3 owners deserve to play this game after making sch a huge financial investment..

I am actually saving before EPIC I have 16 save files at different places...I'm sure all thos places will convince most of my friends

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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merkh66 said:

 I'm through act one and let me just say that this is by far the best MGS already. Even though its an entirely different genre then GTA 4, I think it will take some of the glory from it come awards time. Its least a 9.5 out of 10


Just a side note, did anyone else notice how many times on the initail install that the message of PS3's exclusivity of the game popped up? I think they really want to kill any rumor of a later port haha.

Who left the viral marketer cage door's opened?

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

trestres said:
merkh66 said:

I'm through act one and let me just say that this is by far the best MGS already. Even though its an entirely different genre then GTA 4, I think it will take some of the glory from it come awards time. Its least a 9.5 out of 10


Just a side note, did anyone else notice how many times on the initail install that the message of PS3's exclusivity of the game popped up? I think they really want to kill any rumor of a later port haha.

Who left the viral marketer cage door's opened?

 Way to stay on topic


what do you mean??

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Just finished it this morning, and my pores are still excreting pure love for this game. Definetly one of the greatest gaming experiences I have ever had, and I will have to play all the other games now (yes, this is my first MGS game).

I love it when it turns out in a movie or a game or a book when it turns out that everything is planned down to massive details. The way that Ocelot "became" Liquid for the sake of Big Boss, awesome.

I am still in awe over this game, brilliant. 10/10

darthdevidem01 said:

what do you mean??
Read my sig.


Disney will make KH3 with Nintendo.Yes,KH3 will be a Disney/Nintendo crossover.

Save the industry,Kill a Hardcore gamer

Stopped buying Ubisoft games.Will not buy Red Steel 2.Let them struggle on HD. Click here for a solution:CLICK
ALERT: I have also exposed a UBI'Z'OFT viral marketer in THIS thread.Read my posts, see the set up and watch how everything crumbles on page 8. Please learn from this experience.