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Forums - Sony Discussion - RPG fans - who amongst you has bought a PS3 prehemptively?

Also, it's pre-emptively.

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darthdevidem01 said:

well FF13 is on PS3

DQ 10 -- Wii I am predicting

KH 3 - PS360

 What I mean is that JRPG genre is in decline.

In Japan only most famous saga sell well like KH,DQ and FF so these series are potentialy the ones that can decide where to go because their potential sales will cover development cost.

Development cost ( and limited potential customers for the genres ) is the real problem of JRPG. Traditionally this is a genre with high development time and cost.

So JRPG with HD assets will cost alot more than before and the potential sales are not that great if you are not named FF,KH or DQ.

This is why JRPG reinnascience go throght DS with its cheap developmen cost. Series like ToS aren't so big and their appeal on japanese market it's declining overall. So with ToV Namco did the same with ToS on GC. They aim for western markets and take money from a first party for exclusivity ( and they both were seen like biggest JRPG on that platforms because there wasn't FF competition).

In the case of FF13 ( and MGS ) is obvious that SCE secured its exclusivity with money because FF and MGS along GT are considered the herald of Playstation gaming.

I think that SE is in a lot of problem this generation. 

Sorry for bad wnglish


 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

I have no PS3 yet. And I"m still planning to buy one. Even with this 360 JRPG (timed) exclusiveness of some titles. To be honest, they are just several exclusive games I want to play. LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, God of War III (To see how it will all end), Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy XIII/Versus XIII, the new Team ICO game. These will not all end up on 360. Only Heavy Rain maybe....

Offcourse, I have my doubts too, when these messages are spread on the news, so Í strongly sense that Sony should do something more to convince everyone to buy their console.

Unfortunately companies have to go where the money is.

Installed user base=more sales.

Anyhow, yeah, I bought my PS3 because of the old PS2 franchises, and besides for MGS 4, I'm having a bit of trouble staying oloyal lately. Especially with SO 4 going to the 360.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce

Soriku said:
darthdevidem01 said:

well FF13 is on PS3

DQ 10 -- Wii I am predicting

KH 3 - PS360 Wii



 Shocked you would think that

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I bought it for MGS4. I'll decide after E3 whether or not I decide to sell it. I didn't buy the console for JRPGs, but I sure as hell didn't buy it to see Sony cancelling projects left right and centre and abandoning third parties in order to focus all of their money on Killzone 2.

@ shameless, they have cancelled like 2 projects, and they were still ages away

Domo-Kun said:

Anyhow, yeah, I bought my PS3 because of the old PS2 franchises, and besides for MGS 4, I'm having a bit of trouble staying oloyal lately. Especially with SO 4 going to the 360.

Come on, join the light side and buy a 360.  You know you want to. 


cancelling 2 projects of which 1 was a sequel to a very mediocre game is hardly much.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I'm a little ticked I logged more hours playing blu-ray movies then games. I am excited for MGS4 that should hopefully kick off a more robust line-up for the future, I've been ticked off about killzone 2 being pushed and home and LBP and we don't even know when we're going to get FF XIII. In fact the only exclusives I've got on my ps3 are Rachet and Clank and Uncharted. I really enjoyed both but they really don't last long and have no online features. I have been more excited lately about my 360 I've played Lost Odyessy quite a bit, but lately I've mostly played multiplatform titles and Wii games. Later this year I am excited for Too Human, Infinite Undiscovery and Fable 2, in fact Fable 2 has a shot at being my favorite game of all time.

But again I think 3rd party multiplatform titles will outshine exclusives, Mercenaries 2, Prototype, Far Cry 2, Battlefield Bad Company, This is Vegas, COD 5, Soul Calibur 4, Star Wars: Unleashed, Fallout 3 all look amazing. But now I'm getting off subject