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Forums - Sony Discussion - RPG fans - who amongst you has bought a PS3 prehemptively?

I still love my PS3 and this is making it extremely hard. I am a JRPG and fighting game fan primarily. I bought the PS3 with the hope that all JRPGS would be for the PS3. Sadly, it seems this isn't the case. I always thought sales were where the games went. So, after seeing the amazing Wii sales, I began to hate it out of fear that it would take all the games I love away from the PS3. This also isn't the case. It seems the 360 is taking the JRPG market. I think this has to do with US sales. PS3 sits about 6 million behind the 360. This is the primary market for Square. The market for next gen games is so small in Japan right now.

I will always prefer PS3, and will still support it over my 360. I really believe these games will come out later for PS3, minus Infinite Undiscovery. But it is a shame that PS3 owners have to wait. That is all we have been doing since day 1. I do not regret buying it on day 1. But I do regret buying it thinking that all JRPG's and Monster Hunter 3 would be on the system.

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i love jrpgs and i bought a ps3 thinking it would have a lot but i am not disappointed in my purchase because there are plenty of other games that are great or will be great like uncharted, gt:p, gta4, ff13, ffv13, white knight and whatever the ico team is working on. i own all the consoles and out of the three my ps gets the most use with blu-ray and games.

my top 5 right now. 1. uncharted 2 2. assassin's creed 2 3. god of war 3 4. final fantasy xiii 5. blue dragon: awakened shadow.

I would like some JRPGs for my PS3. Although it appears the ds will keep me going.


So far I only bought the DS for JRPGS that is all.

im an rpg fan havent bought a ps3 yet will in the future.....i bought my ds for jrpgs

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ils411 said:
meh, i'm still quite happy with my ps3. it just has the games that i'm looking forward to the most. what games you may ask? well in no particular order

ff13 vs
tekken 6
the next team ico game (what ever it is its bound to be great)
valkryia chronicles

the only games i'm looking forward to for the x360 is fable 2

so yeah, i made the right purchase for myself.

those games are the same reason i bought a ps3 also, only i most want white knight chronicles

How many of you (RPG fans) bought a PS3 with the idea that it was your only choice for RPGs?
I didn't buy it just for RPGs...but I did think it was going to have the most.

Do you still feel it's a valid reason for having a PS3 (for the remaining exclusives)?
No, I'm honestly considering selling it if I can't come up with the money for a 360 before SO4 comes out

Do you regret buying it early?
For RPGs? Yes.

Prefered to have waited for the games to come out?
For RPGs? Yes.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus

I bought it because it plays my ps1 and ps2 games better... well the 60 GB one anyway.

I'm a bit disappointed in the fact it doesn't get more rpg and action games from Japan... Like Shadow harts and Shadow of the Colossus
Otherwise with the rest of the lineup I'm happy gamer.

thanks for all the feedback and sorry for the preemptively spelling mistake that ticked some people).

For my part, I don't have a PS3, but it was always my second choice (nint fan) as I thought it would get the RPG market (and i like the sony exclusives).
However with time and the apparent lack of exclusives that i was looking forward to (2 years for MSG is long), I got lured by a cheap 360 bundle. Now i have even less reason for a PS3 (as i'm covered for multiplatform) and will probably only get it late in it's life (for a bargain) or hope there is BC on PS4 (not having the previous console makes the next one that much more attractive... which is why BC is financially worth it only for the consoles that were not leading the generation ala PS2).


Goddbless said:
darthdevidem01 said:

cancelling 2 projects of which 1 was a sequel to a very mediocre game is hardly much.

Killzone 2 wasn't cancelled just delayed!


I'm sorry but I couldn't resist you left yourself open for that one. ;)


Beat me too it.



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