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I still love my PS3 and this is making it extremely hard. I am a JRPG and fighting game fan primarily. I bought the PS3 with the hope that all JRPGS would be for the PS3. Sadly, it seems this isn't the case. I always thought sales were where the games went. So, after seeing the amazing Wii sales, I began to hate it out of fear that it would take all the games I love away from the PS3. This also isn't the case. It seems the 360 is taking the JRPG market. I think this has to do with US sales. PS3 sits about 6 million behind the 360. This is the primary market for Square. The market for next gen games is so small in Japan right now.

I will always prefer PS3, and will still support it over my 360. I really believe these games will come out later for PS3, minus Infinite Undiscovery. But it is a shame that PS3 owners have to wait. That is all we have been doing since day 1. I do not regret buying it on day 1. But I do regret buying it thinking that all JRPG's and Monster Hunter 3 would be on the system.