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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will Anyone Ever Beat The PS2 In Hardware Sales?

Sky Render said:
A product's value to a consumer determines its sales. Price drops are just an artificial means to boost sales; the effects are never permanent, always stop-gap, and often have immediate repercussions once their effects wear off. At $250, the PS3 would briefly experience higher sales, but guess what? It would drop off to even lower numbers than it had before the boost in sales. The reason is simple: the PS3's value to the average consumer is not nearly high enough to justify buying it even at $250.

I guess this idea is difficult for some technology-savvy people to grasp, but to most people, products are tools to accomplish a specific task. The better they accomplish that one task, the more value people attribute to them. Extraneous features will not help sell a product to an average consumer; they buy it for what it's supposed to do primarily. The PS3 is a game-playing system, its job is to play video games. This is also the Wii's job. All else (graphical presentation, audio presentation, extra features, etc.) is moot, the most important selling point is how well they do their job of letting a person enjoy a game. The Wii does a better job than the PS3 at this, because it offers more diverse and accessible means of playing. This is not the technophile's viewpoint, this is the normal consumer's viewpoint. And the normal consumer far outnumbers the technophile.

So yes, even though it uses less expensive components and costs less to build, the Wii has greater value than the feature-crammed PS3 does to a normal consumer.


Thanks dude... that's what I wanted to say in my last post. Price should not be a factor. Specially if the PS3 is "aparently" the more powerful console ever. So, $400 should not be a problem.

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Sky Render said:
So essentially, Munkeh, you're banking on 1.) Nintendo not being able to design any more good games for the Wii, 2.) normal people spontaneously caring about HD even though most do not, and 3.) Nintendo totally abandoning their blue ocean strategy and their disruption to go back to compete in the red ocean of the existing console market, even though last time they were in a red ocean market, they almost got knocked out of business. Your reasoning baffles me, as it conflicts with reality on every significant point.

 I thought that SSB and MK had only been released once each gen, and these are the most popular nintendo games

While people do not care about HD so much at the moment, they will more in the future. You say that I expect people to spontaneously care about it, but I am sugggesting this wil happen in like 3 and a half years, that is very different to spontaneously. They will still be different, but more technological improvements, I don't see why they would not introduce HD. I am not suggesting they use something like the cell or equivalent, but a slightly more powerful console to allow the devs to do more. What I am saying is that they do not have to that much to get people to buy a wii 2, so why would they not do it.

You're working off of the assumption that Nintendo will not introduce any new franchises, then. Which is equally ridiculous, seeing as they've introduced new franchises with every single iteration of their systems, and each has done stellar. They haven't even released games in some of their more recently devised franchises for Wii yet (no Animal Crossing Wii yet, or Pikmin Wii, etc.).

As for HD adoption, again, it's a matter of value. To a normal consumer, better quality visuals is not a significant value. Television has a job to do, and that is to entertain them. Unless the HD visuals can be used in a way which increases their utility over without them, the majority will not care about HD. This is why getting people to adopt the standard (or any new standard, for that matter) is so difficult: because it has too little added value over what they already have.

And as for why Nintendo would NOT make a Wii 2, the answer is simple: every single time they've gone the incremental upgrade route, they've gotten fewer sales and higher costs to deal with in return. There is absolutely no reason why, upon breaking free of that trap, that they'd walk right back into it. Whatever they make next for a home console, it will be nothing like the Wii, and it will be nothing like the PS3, either. And it will only come out when the Wii stops being a cash cow, which is a long ways off.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Fernando said:
blazinhead89 said:
Fernando said:
darthdevidem01 said:

SONY's first Big card comes out in 4 days..

M$ has though used up its biggest card.... Halo 3


And still, PS3 will not outsell the Wii this month.


when the PS3 is at $250, then we'll see it outsell the Wii


But according to you PS3 fanboys (you can read a lot of old posts) the $400 dlls for a PS3 is a lot value. It has Bluray, WiFi, etc, etc.... and yet, people want the PS3 to drop price, again. So, people is not seeing a lot of value.

And according to some of you guys, the Wii is overpriced at $250, but yet, the people buy Wii's at $400, the same price as the PS3.

Besides, price is not a factor. The Gamecube was a much powerful and cheaper console than the PS2, and people bought the PS2 more, even with a higer price and a less powerful hardware.

 I think the PS3 would do really well if it was selling for $250, I read a survey how teens like the ps3 more then the wii and xbox 360:

You can't help but root for the underdog, GO PS3!

End of 08' Sales

Wii:                      39.56

Xbox 360:           24.75

Playstation 3:     20.58

For all the people who havent realized, PS3 is doing just as good as the PS2 did. Look at the from launch charts. The wii however will began to lose it's sales and the ps3 will start selling the most. Comon u all no its true How many more lil kids will buy it?

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Munkeh111 said:
Sky Render said:
So essentially, Munkeh, you're banking on 1.) Nintendo not being able to design any more good games for the Wii, 2.) normal people spontaneously caring about HD even though most do not, and 3.) Nintendo totally abandoning their blue ocean strategy and their disruption to go back to compete in the red ocean of the existing console market, even though last time they were in a red ocean market, they almost got knocked out of business. Your reasoning baffles me, as it conflicts with reality on every significant point.

 I thought that SSB and MK had only been released once each gen, and these are the most popular nintendo games

While people do not care about HD so much at the moment, they will more in the future. You say that I expect people to spontaneously care about it, but I am sugggesting this wil happen in like 3 and a half years, that is very different to spontaneously. They will still be different, but more technological improvements, I don't see why they would not introduce HD. I am not suggesting they use something like the cell or equivalent, but a slightly more powerful console to allow the devs to do more. What I am saying is that they do not have to that much to get people to buy a wii 2, so why would they not do it.

Why do you assume that Nintendo can't make new franchises which are highly successful?

Right now, Nintendo is at their prime for creating new games that have a massive appeal being that in the past couple of years they have come up with Nintendogs, Brain Training, Wii Sports, and Wii Fit; they have also been unusually successful at bringing older (less successful) series to new levels of popularity with games like Animal Crossing: Wild World, Mario Party 8, and all of the games on the Wii which have outsold their Gamecube counterparts even though they have been on the market for a fraction of the time.

At this point in time I think it would be foolish to assume that Nintendo couldn't make a 5 to 10 Million selling game out of franchises like Donkey Kong, Star Fox (Adventures), Pikmin, Kid Icarus or Pokemon; I think it is also amazingly foolish to assume that Nintendo couldn't come up with new franchises that will sell in the 5 to 10 Million range; and I also think it is foolish to assume that Nintendo won't release a new Mario Platformer, Legend of Zelda game or find a way to appeal to Mario Kart fans with either a new Mario Kart or Diddy Kong Racing title.

The Wii will outsell the PS2 in the proportion 1.5:1.

And it will outsell the PS3 in the proportion 3:1.

Surveying a handful of a single demographic is not that useful, Ps3_GOW. It can easily deliver skewed and inaccurate results. For reference, initial surveys of how well the NES would sell in America indicated that it would bomb horribly and never catch on. And that was from a survey conducted of children, no less, the NES' biggest market.

As for your comment, Gearbox, context is important. The PS2 was only available in Japan for almost a full year before it showed up in America and Europe. The PS3, therefore, is only doing as well worldwide as the PS2 was doing in Japan at first. Notice how it starts to lag behind PS2 sales around the 1-year mark? That's because the PS2 launched in the US and Europe then, and the PS3 cannot keep up as a result. For a better context, view the sales of the PS3 vs. the PS2 from launch in each major region: Japan, US, and Europe.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Gearbox said:
For all the people who havent realized, PS3 is doing just as good as the PS2 did. Look at the from launch charts. The wii however will began to lose it's sales and the ps3 will start selling the most. Comon u all no its true How many more lil kids will buy it?

Here we go again...

The PS3 is not doing as well as the PS2 did, at all. The reason why you think so is (I guess) the aligned launches graph. Well, problem is, the delayed launches of the PS2 in America and Europe skew the comparison a lot. If you compare the aligned launches for each territory, you get this:


North America



My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Gearbox said:
For all the people who havent realized, PS3 is doing just as good as the PS2 did. Look at the from launch charts. The wii however will began to lose it's sales and the ps3 will start selling the most. Comon u all no its true How many more lil kids will buy it?

lol, i new u were a hopeless PS3 fanboy after i saw ur thread titled  "Xbox 360 sales decline by .1 percent a week rufly and Wii going up .1" and then reading "So it seems xBox market share is going down... and down.... AND DOWN.". "

Are you CrazzyMan's brother?