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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will Anyone Ever Beat The PS2 In Hardware Sales?

blazinhead89 said:
when the PS3 is at $250, then we'll see it outsell the Wii

There is absolutely NO evidence to support this other than wishful thinking. The Xbox fans used to chant the same thing until, in many regions, they reached the same or lower pricing with no appreciable effect on the Wii's soaring sales OR the Xbox's declining ones.  

HD price cuts have had minimal effects and what minor impact there has been has been to cut into each other's sales and their own future sales.  In other words, people who were already inclined towards an HD console may have purchased sooner but there was no corresponding decline in Wii sales. The Wii's popularity is not and never has been primarily driven by price except in the minds of PS360 fans who can't imagine any other reason. 

Besides in a price war between a console that is struggling to become profitable vs. one that always has been and now has profits that are undoubtedly increased to where they could make substantial price cuts and remain profitable; who do you think would win. The PS3 can never win on a strategy based on price.

Around the Network

So does anyone think that any other console or handheld (besides the wii or DS) could beat the hardware sales? Like what about the next generation of consoles, do you think that the bar well be placed higher and higher by every new generation of consoles (and or handhelds)?

You can't help but root for the underdog, GO PS3!

End of 08' Sales

Wii:                      39.56

Xbox 360:           24.75

Playstation 3:     20.58