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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360: Console Home of RPGs?


you use some sense

FF12 was according to most people (I dunno why) THE MOST TERRIBLE & DISAPPOINTING FF...

yet it sold 5 million....what does this tell you??

+ it wasn't even made by the people who usually make FF

also DQ has never..I mean NEVER even touched 5 million in sales....not even on a 120 million console BASE

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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darthdevidem01 said:

you use some sense

FF12 was according to most people (I dunno why) THE MOST TERRIBLE & DISAPPOINTING FF...

yet it sold 5 million....what does this tell you??

+ it wasn't even made by the people who usually make FF

also DQ has never..I mean NEVER even touched 5 million in sales....not even on a 120 million console BASE

I don´t know you, but DQIX will be my first DQ game and I bet to a lot the people too.

The X360 rules over all the important genres.

Shooters, RTS, W-RPG, adventure, racing, J-RPG.


yes so will FF13 for 3 of my friends cus I have been hyping them endlessly about it..and I bet many more people too

+FF12 came out the frikking month PS3 launched...many people just decided to wait till FF13...ofcourse too bad it kept getting delayed

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Slimebeast said:
The X360 rules over all the important genres.

Shooters, RTS, W-RPG, adventure, racing, J-RPG.

 Nothing for Tactical Espionage Action = lose.

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Shameless said:
darthdevidem01 said:

The DS does only have two good JRPGs out at the moment though - The World Ends With You and Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. FF12 RW was mediocre and not really a JRPG, FF3 was mediocre when it was released and not much better now and FFCC was really bad. I can't think of anything else right now.

 You're talking about something purely subjective, so I can't really say that you're "wrong" per se, but I can tell you that your opinion hardly represents the majority's opinion. I, for instance, am masochistic enough to enjoy Shiren the Wanderer and Eritrean Oddeysey, which (for me) doubles your list. (there are others as well: those are only two examples) You're welcome to keep insisting that you only like two JRPGs on the DS, but most of us feel otherwise.  But we're all digressing here.

Back on topic: I know the only real reason the 360 is seeing any JRPGs is because of Microsoft's moneyhatting, and in light of how those games aren't expanding the 360 in Japan as much as Microsoft had hoped I sincerely doubt the tap will keep flowing, but for now it's definitely the go-to system for that genre. 

Of course, if you're more interested in Western RPGs, I still think you're better off going the PC route, because of the mods, but that involves having a gaming PC and a willingness to put up with some headaches, so that solution is imperfect as well. 

though i think by the end of the gen wii will be the home console for rpg's

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

noname2200 said:


You're talking about something purely subjective, so I can't really say that you're "wrong" per se, but I can tell you that your opinion hardly represents the majority's opinion. I, for instance, am masochistic enough to enjoy Shiren the Wanderer and Eritrean Oddeysey, which (for me) doubles your list. (there are others as well: those are only two examples) You're welcome to keep insisting that you only like two JRPGs on the DS, but most of us feel otherwise. But we're all digressing here.

Yeah, I have played both games for a short time and found them to be awful. If you honestly enjoyed them then more power to you. Shiren, especially as I haven't played a roguelike before, was just ridiculous.

I still think that the majority opinion is that Pokemon and TWEWY are the only great JRPGs on the console, though. The FF games were disappointing in general. 

Soriku said:
colonelstubbs said:
Sadly for the 360, it will not be home to the most important RPG of them all, the Final Fantasy centre

KH and Tales of > FF.

True story.

 Well that is your opinion and that is fine. But FF is certainly the most important RPG of them all. 

I disagree completely with the 360 being the home console for RPG's. The Wii will have far, far, far more RPG's by the end of the generation (biggest Japan sales) and the PS3 will have the bigger name RPG's (FF, SO etc). If you are going to buy only one console this generation for RPG's, it should be the Wii because it will have the most, or a PS3 because you are a Final Fantasy addict. 

I bet FFXIII outsells all the exclusive JRPG's on the 360 put together. 

Fernando said:
colonelstubbs said:
Sadly for the 360, it will not be home to the most important RPG of them all, the Final Fantasy centre

I think that Dragon Quest IX will be bigger than FFXIII. At least in sales. That is a fact.

 In Japan yes, worldwide no.