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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ubisoft urges Sony to act on 'directionless' PSP

PSP as a system does lack direction. It tried to be the jack of all trades master of everything and failed. I don't think I've ever seen a system that has so much hardware sold and so little software sales (plus the sales themselves are dominated by one of two games). But its hypocritical for Ubisoft to say that when they aren't ever supporting the platform atm.

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Did I miss something, didn't PSP sales become way better then ever before? Isn't it doing great in Japan and for something I haven seen an ad for in ages itś sales figures in Europe and the states are just great. Aren the number of million sellers slowly climbing each day? Perhaps Ubi should release games like Assasins creed on PSP instead of on the DS. They claimed the DS wasn't meant for those games anyway

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

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Boy, that interviewer and that interviewee sure liked to generalize entire audiences consisting of around 30million people each.


According to them, games like RE4 should have never been released on the Wii. 

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I don't need your console war.


Frank: I've been thinking about what Ubi said... it's kind of confusing.

Rubang: Whatsoever do you mean oh twaddlesome ninny?

Frank: Well Ubi says they're waiting for Sony to set some kind of "direction"? I mean, what exactly would that look like? What does Sony do so that Ubi can see a "direction".

Rubang: They could moneyhat the Imaginez series!

Frank: Yeah, that's one way to get them to start making games. But whatever, I think Ubi is full of shit.

Rubang: Explain yourself you naddering nabob.

Frank: Look, if Ubi used the same strategy on the Wii what would we have now? What was Ubi's response after seeing Nintendo's "direction" of making titles that were full of polish, accessible games, easy to play and yet full of layers of complexity? Yeah, after seeing Nintendo's "direction" they decided to put out a bunch of shovel ware. I guess that's the niche that Nintendo isn't filling.

Rubang: The gall of those people.

Frank: Very funny. Anyways, their justification for making nothing for the PSP is intellectually insulting. It's sounds like a made up excuse that some PR person came up with after a hard night of drinking. Oh well...

The PSP has a direction... it is a multimedia device.

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Ubisoft doesn't really have room to talk here. I mean, good games general sell well on the PSP. It's just that so few are made.

The PSP faces a similar problem as the Wii: the line-up consists primarily of chopped up ps2 ports.

And Ubisoft is treating the PSP just like they treat the Wii. They make crap for it (or in this case practically nothing) and then complain that their software doesn't sell.

So , lets see : Brother In Arms , 2 POP games , R6 Vegas , Beowulf , GRAW2 , Peter Jacksons King Kong , Surfs Up ... all the games UBI gave us are crappy at best ... they are all rated in the 4-6 region , and they complain that the games dont sell ?????? WTF ?!?!?! Are they expecting for crappy PS2 ports to sell forever ? Hell not even the Wii is capable to do this . Also , where are the adverts for their PSP games ?

All in all , I agree that Sony should be a bit more clear towards the buyers of what they want the PSP to be , but not even the best selling system isnt capable to sell tons of crap ...

Im not interested in Ubis complaint untill I see a AAA PSP game of theirs bomb utterly on the PSP ...

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hunter_alien said:
So , lets see : Brother In Arms , 2 POP games , R6 Vegas , Beowulf , GRAW2 , Peter Jacksons King Kong , Surfs Up ... all the games UBI gave us are crappy at best ... they are all rated in the 4-6 region , and they complain that the games dont sell ?????? WTF ?!?!?! Are they expecting for crappy PS2 ports to sell forever ? Hell not even the Wii is capable to do this . Also , where are the adverts for their PSP games ?

All in all , I agree that Sony should be a bit more clear towards the buyers of what they want the PSP to be , but not even the best selling system isnt capable to sell tons of crap ...

Im not interested in Ubis complaint untill I see a AAA PSP game of theirs bomb utterly on the PSP ...
This is the same thing wii owners are saying.

I've got to give Ubisoft credit: they may not have much else, but they're chock full of gall right now. I eagerly await Ubisoft's next lecture on What Other Companies Should Do.

PSP is fine. It had a lot of problems like load times and battery life that have greatly improved. However the difficulty to use it's multimedia functions legally is a problem that will haunt the PSP for the rest of it's life. It is much easier to download movies and music that are compatible for the PSP than it is to buy a CD or DVD and then rip the disk to a PSP. The PSP makes a great emulator, but it takes a great effort to make it one. People can only justify going to all that trouble if they plan to pirate games. Sony's strict security measures therefore may be increasing piracy. And piracy is ultimately what is ruining the PSP...
IMO this is what Sony should have done-

What if Sony's PSP had literally been a portable PS1? This PSP could have had the same design as now, but have no media features or web surfing (but still had wireless multiplayer). What if Sony took a loss leading strategy and PSP retailed for $100 WHEN IT LAUNCHED? For a launch line-up (and throughout the PSP's life), Sony could have re-released all the popular PS1 games for PSP at $14.99 and called them "PS1 classics for PSP" and then have original games at $29.99. Original game “greatest hits” titles could have retailed for $19.99. What if a FF7 remake and a proper MGS game were launch title games? With a plethora of PS1 ports and remakes along with solid first party support from Sony in the first year (in real life Sony never really ramped up first part until the PSP’s second year) the DS would be dead by now. Considering the DS's and PSP's bad first 6 months, there is no way the DS would have survived.

The PSP would have done amazingly well, and Nintendo would have been forced to use the DS as a stopgap while they develop the next GB (which was rumored to be going to have PS2 level graphics and somehow be cheap) This GBA “ultra” (or whatever it was going to be called) would probably also fall if Sony developed the PSP right. In 2005 it would have been difficult to fit the data of a disk onto a cart, but if the PSP had launched with a cache of RAM similar to that of the SLIM, load times would been bearable. It is true that the battery life would still be worse than the DS due to the energy required to read disks, but would have been improved due to the lower graphical capabilities of the PSP. While battery and loading issues would still occur, (though be much less severe) the pirating issue would be gone. The development of a new GBA would give the PSP at least a year heads start, and I believe a cheaper PSP with a larger variety of games would beat out a new GB.
Then Sony would have all the software sales and would be doing much better with their gaming division.

Sony could have done something similar with the PS3: Have the PS3 have no media features, have graphics in the same caliber as the XBOX 360, and launch at a loss for $299. $299 PS3 vs $400 Xbox360? I don't know how the Wii would be doing, but the 360 would be smoked, considering the momentum and hype the PS3 had in its first 4 months. If the PSP had been a raging success, the hype would have been even greater, and if there were no supply issues, PS3 would have taken off like a rocket.