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Frank: I've been thinking about what Ubi said... it's kind of confusing.

Rubang: Whatsoever do you mean oh twaddlesome ninny?

Frank: Well Ubi says they're waiting for Sony to set some kind of "direction"? I mean, what exactly would that look like? What does Sony do so that Ubi can see a "direction".

Rubang: They could moneyhat the Imaginez series!

Frank: Yeah, that's one way to get them to start making games. But whatever, I think Ubi is full of shit.

Rubang: Explain yourself you naddering nabob.

Frank: Look, if Ubi used the same strategy on the Wii what would we have now? What was Ubi's response after seeing Nintendo's "direction" of making titles that were full of polish, accessible games, easy to play and yet full of layers of complexity? Yeah, after seeing Nintendo's "direction" they decided to put out a bunch of shovel ware. I guess that's the niche that Nintendo isn't filling.

Rubang: The gall of those people.

Frank: Very funny. Anyways, their justification for making nothing for the PSP is intellectually insulting. It's sounds like a made up excuse that some PR person came up with after a hard night of drinking. Oh well...