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Forums - Sony Discussion - New AFRIKA trialer(Online singstar-like community)

looks amazing, this game has so much potential.

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I remember when people thought this was gameplay:

actually it looks pretty much the same. With the exception of much more grass on the ground. Perhaps one reason the ground textures are not so good they intended to add more bushes. Who knows perhaps the final version will have some more.

Twesterm is just being a detractor.

When you're faced with a game that has the best looking in-game animals ever created in gaming history, nice lighting and great draw distances, to immediately start complaining that the 'grass' doesn't look all that great, speaks of a begrudging and over-critical attitude.

All in all, considering the fantastic level of detail on the animals and the large draw distances, the average looking ground textures aren't really an issue in my book.

As for the gameplay, photography is not really my idea of a fun game, but I could see myself getting it just to mess around in the open-world, and to aggravate some of the more peaceful looking animals.


Kyros said:
I remember when people thought this was gameplay:

actually it looks pretty much the same. With the exception of much more grass on the ground. Perhaps one reason the ground textures are not so good they intended to add more bushes. Who knows perhaps the final version will have some more.

Because you forgot to put your glasses on.

Because you forgot to put your glasses on.

Watch them again and just forget about the grass on the ground. Everything else looks absolutely identical. From the tree with the giraffe to all animals to the lake at night shot. The only thing the new trailer is missing is lots and lots of grass on the ground.

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I think the animals in the new trailer looks better actually.

Also the overall look (might just have been the trailer that was a little washed out though)

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