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Forums - Sony Discussion - New AFRIKA trialer(Online singstar-like community)

I think you can also download real life animal footage, cause now I'm sure those images I referred to are real life, after taking some better looks


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Kyros said:
Look at the ground there.

Oh get real. This trailer has some of the most beautiful graphics I have ever seen, is in many areas almost photorealistic and you focus on the ground in one image? Thats almost like the guys looking for the single screen tearing in Uncharted just to have found a problem.

 No, when you see see Uber realistic texturing butted up right next to horrible flat texturing they stand out.  My eyes actually went directly to that ground texture first and then to the animals and the difference just makes it look terrible.  It's like those Nasnex commercials with the funny looking bee that would look fine by itself but when butted up against the trying to look realistic CGI person it looked terrible.

Yes, the animals look amazing (like the lizard poasted above) but that doesn't excuse terrible environment textures. 

Seriously have you seen the Africa trailer? Even to compare the grey blobs that seem to be elephants in the screen you posted with the trailer I have just seen is an insult .

Come on, its nice to be controversial but this brings it too far.

well Zelda TP could have looked much better too actually..


Kyros said:
Seriously have you seen the Africa trailer? Even to compare the grey blobs that seem to be elephants in the screen you posted with the trailer I have just seen is an insult .

Come on, its nice to be controversial but this brings it too far.

I'm not comparing the elephants, I never said I was. Again, look at the ground.


Actually, I believe in my post I did say the animals in Afrika look amazing and better than that Wii game.  And yes, I watched the trailer.  When you're not looking at the ground or hidden in trees it looks great.

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cause now I'm sure those images I referred to are real life, after taking some better looks

There were three real life images in the middle for about 5 seconds. ( A lion and some elephants, the rest was computer)

terrible environment textures.

They are hardly terrible. You picked the worst, the desert terrain textures looked nice. I think its a different mindset. People who worked with 3D graphics tend to look at the spots where they can see textures and like to find problems. I try to just look at the best images. For example Assassin's definitely had the most beautiful city and environment graphics of any game that didn't change the fact that some people rather looked at the not so detailed character and complained. Or another example there really were people who complained that the shadows in cockpit view were not perfect in GT5-P. I also noticed it because it was a good example of a shadow mapping aliasing effect but seriously if you had a problem with this ...

Kyros said:
cause now I'm sure those images I referred to are real life, after taking some better looks

There were three real life images in the middle for about 5 seconds. ( A lion and some elephants, the rest was computer)

terrible environment textures.

They are hardly terrible. You picked the worst, the desert terrain textures looked nice. I think its a different mindset. People who worked with 3D graphics tend to look at the spots where they can see textures and like to find problems. I try to just look at the best images. For example Assassin's definitely had the most beautiful city and environment graphics of any game that didn't change the fact that some people rather looked at the not so detailed character and complained. Or another example there really were people who complained that the shadows in cockpit view were not perfect in GT5-P. I also noticed it because it was a good example of a shadow mapping aliasing effect but seriously if you had a problem with this ...

 It's not that I'm looking for something wrong, it's when you have something that is ultra high detailed next to something that is just a flat texture it comes off as bad.

As for picking the worst, find me any screenshot where you can see the grass or trees closeup.  They will all look good.

And desert is pretty easy to make look good because desert is flat. 

twesterm said:

And since someone brought up that Wild African Safari, I never heard of it and decided to see how they did their ground textures.

While the rocks look about as good as Afrika's (Afrika's are slightly cleaner) the ground looks amazing compared to Afrika's. Sure, it's a little more blurry but the fact it's not a flat texture just adds so much.

And I'm not really trying to compare the two games, I'm just trying to show off how bad that environment textures in Afrika are. They look amazing from far away but like absolute crap up close.


For the love of God people, I'm not trying to compare the Wii to the PS3. I'm just comparing two similar games and showing the difference between a flat high-res tiled texture and a flat low-res texture with painted objects standing out. Come on, even UT2k4 could do that.

 Actualy the enviormental textures in Afrika are pretty good , also taking into account the draw distance.


Once again, far away they look great. But when your character is in screen and you can see the ground they are terrible.

The top one is horrible, but I'm not sure of the distance there, but I bet if you get close to that last one it will look pretty bad.

twesterm said:
Once again, far away they look great. But when your character is in screen and you can see the ground they are terrible.

The top one is horrible, but I'm not sure of the distance there, but I bet if you get close to that last one it will look pretty bad.
 This is pretty much a niche game with little to no competition what so ever . IMO the Wii game makes Afrika look godly even , the two games don't even compare in overall graphical quality.
It may be  pretty bad in your opinion  but  considering there's little else to compare it to I'd say it's pretty excellent.