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cause now I'm sure those images I referred to are real life, after taking some better looks

There were three real life images in the middle for about 5 seconds. ( A lion and some elephants, the rest was computer)

terrible environment textures.

They are hardly terrible. You picked the worst, the desert terrain textures looked nice. I think its a different mindset. People who worked with 3D graphics tend to look at the spots where they can see textures and like to find problems. I try to just look at the best images. For example Assassin's definitely had the most beautiful city and environment graphics of any game that didn't change the fact that some people rather looked at the not so detailed character and complained. Or another example there really were people who complained that the shadows in cockpit view were not perfect in GT5-P. I also noticed it because it was a good example of a shadow mapping aliasing effect but seriously if you had a problem with this ...