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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kojima Productions Responds to MGS4 NDA Complaints

i think everyone is missing the big picture here.
a 90 minute cutscene is not a damper on the party.
I read Payton saying that they wanted this stuff to be a surprise....
to me it's a great surprise. One that i wish remained unknown.
a lot of things have already been given away, and konami actually had to come out and say something happens during one of the later installs when they were trying to avoid that but in order to discredit the accusation they had to say "something" about it.
I lost another surprise. How many will i lose until the media finishes with their, 90 minute or not controversy.

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Well, at least some of the reasons seem legitimate enough. The install times between chapters is kind of gay, but its more of a minor inconvenience than anything. I am curious to see what they are talking about that is supposed to be GOOD about the install times.

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

I remember someone saying this argument about "....with Konami's restrictions about the reviews some people wouldn't know if they have enough space in their HDD."

They certainly didn't say any restrictions about the install size though so I guess mentioning it is fine.

iron_megalith said:
I remember someone saying this argument about "....with Konami's restrictions about the reviews some people wouldn't know if they have enough space in their HDD."

They certainly didn't say any restrictions about the install size though so I guess mentioning it is fine.

Required HD space is mentionned on the box, what more do people need ?


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Profcrab said:
d21lewis said:
*grins, eats BS sandwich*

I thought MGS3 had ended 3 times before it actually ended. As the final credits rolled, I was in awe. The game just kept on giving. Now, when MGS4 ends, I'll think to myself "20 minutes to go.....". Not a big deal, but still a minor let down.

As for the installs.....they'll suck. Unfortunately, it's becoming common place in PS3 games. Konami was wrong to tell reviewers not to talk about them, but I'm sure it's something that can't be helped. More and more games ar going to require installs in the future. That's a PS3 issue, not a Konami error.

By next Saturday, MGS4 will have sold a ton of copies. Guys like me are going to buy the game on day one without a second thought. After that initial wave of hardcore fans, there will be total disclosure to the remaining 4 million people who are considering buying the game. The people who Konami is keeping details from, are the people who are going to buy the game anyway. Everyone else who may be turned off by lengthy cut scenes or install times are already going to know everything Konami is keeping secret because of word of mouth.

Restricting this information will have no effect on anyone's purchase. Those who want to spend $60 on this game will do it with a smile. Those who don't want MGS won't buy it regardless of how long the cut scenes/install times are.

This isn't about playing or not playing the game. For what it's worth, I'm sure MGS4 will be a great game. Just because Kojima makes a great game, doesn't mean it's ok for Kojima Productions to tell the gaming press what to include in their reviews. Can't you see how these are two separate issues? It isn't something that can't be helped. It certainly can be, more reviewers need to be like EGM and say "No, your game gets reviewed like everyone elses'." (which unfortunately doesn't say much these days.) Regardless of how much you like the MGS series, saying "it's something that can't be helped" is ridiculous. Konami wanted to tailer pieces of reviews to their liking. It is dishonest and they deserve every bit of flak they get for it.

I give that post a 9.2.


Welcome to the world of NDA and prelease to the press.

It's not dishonest at all and it's a practice every product ( hardware, software, it could be a car or a new cooking recipe, it doesn't matter) does..


Is everyone posting on this site really that naive ?

If you want want a reviewof any product that isn't affected in any way by the product maker, you have to wait for the product to be released....



PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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d21lewis said:
Possible spoiler;

Since the days of MGS1, Konami has been breaking that 3rd wall between game and player. Remember when Psycho Mantis told us what games we liked to play? What about when Revolver Ocelot told us not to use a rapid fire controller, because "He'd know". Little easter eggs like this litter MGS games.

I bet that while some of these installs are mandatory, at least one of these installs is going to have a "twist". I had MGS2 ruined for me, thanks to Game Informer and EGM's reviews. ANY tidbit, even cutscene length, is a potential spoiler. MGS games are experiences. For fans of the series, it's what Star Wars movies are to sci-fi fans.

I have faith in Konami. So much faith, that I am buying a PS3 solely for this game. I'll tolerate their restrictions. Tolerate is the wrong word. I appreciate their restrictions. I want this game to last forever. Games like Mario, Zelda, MGS, and GTA are events. They only happen every few years. I want to experience it the way Hideo and co. want me to; spoiler free.

 You know what, I was on the other side of this argument but after reading the letter and then your response I realize that this isn't my fight.  Everyone who cares enough about MGS4 enough to GENUINELY care about spoilers is already buying the game and would agree.  Nothing that any reviewer is going to say is going to get them to not buy it or someone who want to get in on it to buy it. 

They know that MGS4 is an involved game which you don't play in 5 minute bursts.  I feel like everyone who is on the other side of the argument doesn't really care anyway and they are just trying to make internet noise.  It has been my commitment to not be another angry nerd who hates on everything.  (Except Spyborgs, I really am not feeling that game... but I might be wrong)

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Konima's NDA is fine ...

I don't understand why reviews can't briefly mention their critisims instead of going into detail. I don't care how long exactly cutscenes a+b+c+d are -- id rather be told "some cutscenes are long". And why both with the mandatory install is x gb and takes x minutes + x minutes between acts. When i can be told - their is a mandatory install, its done over the course of the game...

People need to realise this for what it is -- the media trying to use MGS4 for additional stories. And besides atleast Konima hasn't requested all non-AAA or AAAA reviews be held off till 12th June ... like most games have been doing lately *cough* GTA4/Assassin's Creed/etc*cough*

Is anyone really going to be suprised at a long cut scene in MGS4? I borrowed MGS2 from my neighbor the other day to get reacquainted with the series for this game and the cut scenes there were incredibly long as well. I did the quick skip thing (hit triangle twice) and it scrolled through dialog for 10 seconds before going to another cut scene, which I then skipped, just to skip through 10 more seconds of dialog, just to skip through some dialog with Snake who wanted to talk about what I just talked about with the Colonel.

And as for the installs between chapters, I remember hearing a rumor or a quote that there will be a cut scene showing at it installs. So shorten the install time at the beginning to do it while you watching a movie, a good trade to for me. I remember some game coming out recently that showed a movie during install, maybe was it GTA4, can't really remember. So it can be done.

One last thing, if reviewers don't want to follow this, they can just not publish their review early.  Simple as that.  Wait a few more days, don't get the early exclusive, say what you want about the game.  For people that are going to say a bunch of good stuff about the game anyways, they won't care about these "restrictions."  They will get the early scoop, they will sell some magazines or get some hits to their site and the world goes on.

i wonder if they'll have a fast forward option (watch the movies in fast speed, with fast sound, so you still know whats going on in the story without having to waste as much time)

For the most part, this debate is over. Still, while I was working last night, I had a thought.

In MGS2, the game was divided into two parts: The Tanker and the Big Shell. Suppose MGS4 followed suit. Suppose the first half of the game was so long, that after you finished it, you thought you had beaten the game. When you're sitting there watching the 90 minute "ending", you think "WAIT A MINUTE! Mainstream media said there are TWO 90 minute cut scenes! This isn't the end!"

Guess what? You're now the victim of a spoiler. And your only clue was that there were TWO 90-minute cut scenes.

Scenario 2: MGS games are full of easter eggs. In MGS3, if you saved your game while fighting The End, and came back a week later, he will have died of old age. If you're planting C4 on the Shagohod, and it's a holiday, the guards will have taken the day off! In MGS1, Psycho Mantis tells you to put your controller on the floor, so he can move it with his mind. Revolver blatantly tells you that "you haven't saved your game in a while. If you die, do you really want to play through all of that bull-shit again?" Kenneth Baker says that he "Forgot the frequency for Meryl's codec. Look on the back of the game's case."

MGS games remind you that they're games. I wouldn't be suprised if Snake looked at you, mid battle and said "What the hell? Who's idea was it to do an install NOW?" or better yet, one install may be a fake/ mind controll trick (like Eternal Darkness), and the bad guys use it as some kind of advantage. It sounds far fetched, but this is the kind of sneaky crap Hideo likes to pull. And by mentioning the later installs, we are potential victims of yet another spoiler.

Think about that, the next time you see a monitor with Hideo written in green on an black screen. Did I say "Hideo"? I meant "Video"! ;)