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Is anyone really going to be suprised at a long cut scene in MGS4? I borrowed MGS2 from my neighbor the other day to get reacquainted with the series for this game and the cut scenes there were incredibly long as well. I did the quick skip thing (hit triangle twice) and it scrolled through dialog for 10 seconds before going to another cut scene, which I then skipped, just to skip through 10 more seconds of dialog, just to skip through some dialog with Snake who wanted to talk about what I just talked about with the Colonel.

And as for the installs between chapters, I remember hearing a rumor or a quote that there will be a cut scene showing at it installs. So shorten the install time at the beginning to do it while you watching a movie, a good trade to for me. I remember some game coming out recently that showed a movie during install, maybe was it GTA4, can't really remember. So it can be done.

One last thing, if reviewers don't want to follow this, they can just not publish their review early.  Simple as that.  Wait a few more days, don't get the early exclusive, say what you want about the game.  For people that are going to say a bunch of good stuff about the game anyways, they won't care about these "restrictions."  They will get the early scoop, they will sell some magazines or get some hits to their site and the world goes on.