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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kojima Productions Responds to MGS4 NDA Complaints

Bump. At least ONE PERSON is reading my last post, dammit!

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D21 I love you ;-; This thread upped you badassery by like 40 points ;-;

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Thanks ChronotriggerJM! I now have 42 points on the badass scale!! XD

:D At the rate your going, your on fire man ;) I'm sure you'll rack up at least 7 more within a few hours :D

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

much better than with SSBB where you knew all the unlockable characters month before release - I hate that.. I want surprises to be surprising

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Yeah. On one hand, the hidden characters were a major selling point. On the other hand, not knowing who was going to pop up would've really added to an already amazing game. I don't know which direction would've been best.

But the thing is hidden characters are almost always automatically a good thing.

Two 90 minute cutscenes and multiple installs can put people off a game and if you are that desperate not to have any of the game spoiled you're hardly going to be reading reviews in the first place are you?

I must admit, when I heard about Sonic and Snake in Brawl, the game became a day one purchase for me! I'm glad I bought into the hype.

DogWeed said:
installs inbetween acts? thats bullshit and its ganna get annoying.

If I had to guess as to why they did it that way, it's because a movie is going on while it's installing, and thus they can "hide" the install time.

Then again, the first movie is long enough I am sure to install everything. So it's just a guess.